If you're travelling around the country, you need to be ready for disasters if they happen, particularly riverine or flash flooding from storms or heavy rain.
If you've chosen a destination you aren't familiar with, having a plan will keep you safe if there is any unexpected flooding while you're on holiday.
Make a holiday emergency plan
- Check your emergency kit — Bring your emergency kit with you packed with clothing, essential medications, valuables, personal papers, mobile phone and charger in waterproof bags.
- Tell someone your plans — Tell friends or family where you are going, the route you are taking and when you expect to arrive.
- Avoid the risk — Don't travel through areas where emergency situations are predicted or occurring.
- Watch the weather — Check the forecast along your route and the forecast for your destination.
- Check your weather apps — The Bureau of Meteorology issues warnings for floods and severe weather, including slow-moving storms, giant hail and intense rain.
- Use the ABC Emergency Incident map — Warnings for the region you are in can be found on the ABC Emergency website.
- Listen for warnings — If there are detailed or dangerous storm warnings or major flood warnings from the BOM, your local ABC Radio will broadcast emergency updates. You can listen to ABC Radio and find the local frequencies here.
- Keep your emergency kit well supplied — Always carry food, water and a phone in case you have to make a detour or become stranded.
- Don't run out of petrol — Keep an eye on the fuel gauge and make sure you have enough fuel to get you to safety if there's a flooding hazard on your route.