One of Australia’s craftiest counterfeiters forges two million dollars in his suburban basement in the 1950s.
Richard Roxburgh, renowned for playing shady characters on screen, tells the story of Robert Baudin and his brazen ability to make fake money.
With his beguiling charm Baudin criss-crosses the globe, turning it into real money. But not without some close brushes with the law.
And in a crazed attempt to clear his name he terrorises the city of Sydney by threatening to fly his tiny plane into the harbour.
You won’t believe this story is true.
Sunil Badami - Historian and writer
- Narrator - Richard Roxburgh
- Producer - Claudia Taranto
- Sound engineer - Simon Branthwaite
- Readings - Tyler Coppin and Alison Whyte
- Script editors - Kirsti Melville and Tom Wright
- Artwork - Lachlan Conn
Image Details
Balmain, Crime, History, Money Laundering