Earth is a finite resource without a planet B. As rainforests are cleared, arable land lost to erosion, natural diversity and habitats destroyed, how do we come up with a realistic path to smarter use of the land that we have, and maybe, if we're clever, have it all? Tom Heap, presenter on the BBC's "Country File" and Radio 4's "Rare Earth" series, has been reporting on science and the environment for over 25 years and has written a new book titled "Land Smart – How to Give People and Nature the Space to Thrive".
To discuss land care, he joined Philip Clark on Nightlife with a woman who knows only too well Australia's land, our country, Iningai woman Suzanne Thompson, Founder and Managing Director of Yambangku Aboriginal Corporation which manages a 22,000-acre Property in Outback Central Western Queensland. She is also a member of the advisory committee for Landcare Australia's "First Nations Landcare Working Group".
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