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Could these hobby beekeepers find a solution to protect their bees from the dreaded varroa mite?

Fearing for their treasured bees, a couple of amateur organic beekeepers launch Varroa Warriors to combat confusion over treatment options.
Two smiling woman wearing bee t-shirts.

How to attract native bees to your garden and why you should

Whether you're interested in the sweet benefits of backyard beekeeping or making your home more appealing to solitary species of native bees, what can you do to attract them to your garden?
A black fly-like insect, a stingless bee, pollinating the yellow stamen of a bright orange long-petalled flower.

How to spot a native bee and what to do to help bolster populations. Here's what you need to know

Flowers, honey and plenty of produce: bees play a vital role in nature's ecosystem, and without them, we wouldn't have any of these things. 
A large bee with black and blue stripes.

Almost a million bees poisoned by insecticide at hives in WA's far north

Broome beekeeper Ryan Leavitt is devastated — and thousands of dollars out of pocket — after 960,000 bees from his hives were poisoned with insecticide in a single night.
Close up/macro shot of bees crawling over each other inside a hive.

Almonds could be in short supply if varroa mite stops bee movements, growers warn

As almond growers and beekeepers prepare for the upcoming pollination season, industry experts warn ongoing restrictions on moving bees could cripple the harvest for another year.
A man in a high vis shirt sits near a bee hive

Beekeepers urged to wash their bees after invasive parasite detected in Queensland

A variety of the highly destructive varroa mite has been detected in Brisbane. Movement restrictions have been imposed and keepers are being urged to test their bees for the parasite.
A man in a long-sleeved shirt and pants lifts the top of a bee hive as he pours hot steam over bees.

New parasite threat detected in NSW bees as the industry continues to deal with varroa mite

The wingless braula fly, which rides on bees before laying larvae that can damage honeycomb, has been found in bees near Tamworth.
Two braula flies attached to the head of a bee.

These little invaders have a tale of survival that could help save Australia's native bees

Too few to reproduce, a single Asian honey bee queen and her workers defied the odds to establish thousands of colonies. How they did it could help bring others back from the brink, but not without a cost.
A close up photo of a single bee it's got a dark behind with thin light stripes through it a furry body and large dark eyes

Varroa jacobsoni mite detected at the Port of Brisbane

A solitary specimen of Varroa jacobsoni, which is a different species to the pest plaguing New South Wales and Victoria, was found during a routine inspection of a sentinel hive in Brisbane. 
Varroa mites on honey bee pupae.

'Not perfect' plan formed to slow bee parasite's spread across Australia

It has been nearly five months since Australia gave up trying to eradicate varroa mite, but a national plan is now locked in to slow its spread.
a man wearing protective clothing holding a hive of bees

Believe it or not, swarms of bees are gentle. Watch this man show you why

Scott Whitaker shows no fear and films as he collects tens of thousands of "super gentle" bees during a bumper swarm season.
A man looks towards a camera holding a branch full of bees. He isn't wearing protective clothing.

Bulk honey imports started during the millennium drought. Now at near-record levels beekeepers aren't happy

Beekeepers say cheap foreign honey is pushing prices down to unsustainable levels but importers say they are providing options to value-conscious shoppers.
Four jars of honey sitting on a bench

Mysterious bee deaths prompt beekeepers to get answers about the impact of fruit fly chemical sprays

Several beekeepers in South Australia's Riverland are calling for greater transparency on the potential harm of the state's fruit fly chemical sprays.
A fair-skinned brunette woman, Kerry, kneels beside green and white hives in full sun.

Anxiety high among NSW beekeepers as questions remain about a future with varroa mite

Beekeepers call for education and training as they make decisions about rebuilding their hives and living with varroa mite.
Man holds up honeybee hive panel.

Native bee knowledge gap frustrates researchers unwilling to work for free

Native bee researchers are travelling overseas and interstate to find work despite there being a sizeable knowledge gap about Australia's vast array of species.
A close up of a bright yellow native bee

Bee swarms on the rise as weather warms, but impact of varroa mite predicted to reduce swarm frequency

A good spring and plenty of food have increased the number of bees looking to establish new colonies, but as the varroa mite moves through the region it could drastically reduce feral bee swarms.
A close up for feral European honey bees.

Researcher says feral bees face extinction as deadly mite spreads in swarms

The potential impacts of varroa mite on Australia are being realised as a feral bee die-off is predicted, potentially leading to increased production costs for farmers who relied on them for pollination.
A close up for feral European honey bees.

Beekeeper who lost hives to varroa mite and bushfire 'overwhelmed' by support from community

After varroa mite ruined his first hives and bushfire wrecked his second, NSW Mid North Coast beekeeper Glenn Locke has vowed he will "get going again".
a darkened tree line dotted with fire rages before a firefighter facing the blaze

Why bees swarm and what you should – and shouldn't – do when you come across a colony on the move

Spring is the time of year when you're most likely to come across swarms of honey bees in seemingly random places. But beekeepers say swarms are nothing to fear and are part of the natural reproductive life cycle of honey bees. 
Hundreds of bees swarming together on a tree branch.

Beekeeper calls for industry exit package as search warrants issued in hunt for varroa mites' source

As the industry works out what's next in learning to live with the deadly parasite, search warrants have been issued as part of the federal government's investigation into the suspected illegal importation of bees infected with the pest.
A frowning man stand in front of a hive crawling with bees.

Varroa mite outbreak and response sparks backyard beekeeper exodus

Australia's decision to abandon efforts to eradicate varroa mite is triggering an exodus of backyard and hobby beekeepers, with thousands already selling their bee smokers and hanging up their bee suits.
An elderly woman in a bee keeping suit

Beekeeper Ian Cass had no idea he'd become deathly allergic to stings until he collapsed

Ian Cass had been stung by bees plenty of times before and didn't know he was experiencing anaphylaxis the first time it happened. Now he has found a way to continue his passion without putting his health at risk.
A tall man in a white beekeeping suit zipped up to his neck smiling and leaning on a box.

Beehive eradication nearly saw the Costas lose their livelihoods, but this week's decision spares them

The transition from beehive eradication to management of varroa mite comes as a relief for Kempsey beekeepers who no longer have to euthanase their hives.
A beekeeper couple standing in amongst bee hives.

analysis:Will living with varroa mite make Australian honey and food more expensive?

Research into varroa mite is expected to surge after Australia waved the white flag in its fight to eradicate the pest from New South Wales, a decision that is also expected to increase beekeeping costs.
A jar of honey is filled using an automatic dispenser

Will the 'moat' of Bass Strait keep varroa mite at bay and save Tasmania's bees?

Tasmanian beekeepers are on alert after the mainland gave up on eradicating the varroa mite — but one local apiarist sees the march of the deadly parasitic pest as an "opportunity" for the island's industry.
A man stands with a small hive of bees in a forest setting.