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Burnie - 7320

Tasmanian woman directed to stop using own fire bunker, fined $8,000

A Tasmanian artist who built a fire bunker on her property in Tasmania has been fined, for failing to have the permit for its installation.
A stainless steel hatch in a sloped landscape

'The funniest bloke I've ever met': How paedophile police officer Paul Reynolds groomed an entire community

A former Tasmanian cop repeatedly groomed boys over his decades-long career. A report into Paul Reynolds has outlined how he used his standing in the community to do it.
Two text bubbles with messages like "You played really well today mate!"

Charity told to remove homeless sleeping pods set up without council permit in latest tussle

A Tasmanian homelessness charity has removed two mobile trailers containing sleeping pods for people sleeping rough after being told it didn't have permission to put them there, in the latest tussle with the local council. 
A row of pods inside a trailer.

'Diplomat Dan' sentenced to more than three years' jail over assault of wife, splashing acid on police

A Tasmanian man found guilty of two counts of assault and of splashing a corrosive acid on arresting police officers in 2021 has been sentenced to jail.  
Daniel Victor Gandini, wearing a three piece suit and peak cap, standing in the sunshine on the street in Burnie.

Autism Tasmania staff 'devastated' after being told peak body is shutting down due to lack of funding

After 30 years of providing help for people with autism Tasmania's peak body, Autism Tasmania, will close due to funding being discontinued, with many of those affected reeling over the news, advocates say.
Autism Tasmania logo

Ice concealed in Lego packs, toys, found during airport search, Tasmania Police alleges

An airport search found 28 grams of the drug ice on a man, hidden in toys and concealed in bags containing Lego, Tasmania Police allege.
Crystal methamphetamine shards in Lego bag.

This school has no exams, and students can still get a place at university

Kristin Van Wyk is a university student, but she didn't sit an exam for a tertiary admission score. She's a graduate of an alternative model of high school where personal motivation is the main driver behind student retention.
A young woman wearing a grey blazer stands on a stairwell, smiling.

'You're not going to like this': 'Diplomat Dan' immediately taken into custody after being found guilty

A man who claimed Tasmania Police was a private company, questioned the authority of the courts and judges and said Queen Elizabeth had committed treason against Australian people, is found guilty of assaulting his wife and splashing a corrosive acid on arresting officers.
Daniel Victor Gandini, wearing a three piece suit and peak cap, standing in the sunshine on the street in Burnie.

At a Tasmanian restaurant, diners can barter home veggies for restaurant meals in regenerative tourism model

An armful of salad greens in exchange for a restaurant dinner is what's on offer for local backyard growers at a northern Tasmanian hub where 'ultra seasonal' is the fare.
A young man holds large white crates of fresh green produce in each hand.

Renters welcome proposed Tasmanian pet-friendly legislation, but landlord group warns it's a 'mistake'

Sarah says most tenants understand the responsibilities of keeping a pet in a rental property — but a new push to give tenants greater rights in Tasmania will meet pushback by landlords, one real estate industry insider says. Here is what is being proposed.
Woman playing with a black dog.

analysis:'This is democracy in action': Why Tasmania's collaborative new parliament is a win for voters

Dramatic sighs, sarcastic laughter, rhetorical questions. Parliamentary performances aren't new, but with multiple non-government bills passed this week, Tasmanian politicians showed they can collaborate — well, sort of. 
Jeremy Rockliff appears to be in thought, surrounded by his colleagues.

Accused man likens police to McDonald's, Bunnings, at Tasmanian trial

Judges only have authority over waterways, Queen Elizabeth committed treason and Tasmania Police is a company just like Bunnings and McDonald's, a jury hears.
Daniel Victor Gandini, wearing a three piece suit and peak cap, standing in the sunshine on the street in Burnie.

Christal is the latest in a decades-long list of worldwide hunters searching out Tasmania's oldest geocache

Nestled in dense bushland in Tasmania's north exists the state's oldest geocache. It's attracted hundreds of people globally in the search for it.
A woman with black hair and a beige coat holds up her phone while winding through dense reeds and bushland at dusk.

Tasmanian government loses control as opposition passes legislation

Chinks in Tasmania's minority government armour are appearing, as within the space of hours, The Greens and Labor passed two consecutive bills through the lower house against the government's wishes, both on issues that the Liberals have long held out on.
A man with grey hair seated in parliament looks sad

'You're not allowed to leave': 'Diplomat Dan' challenged in courtroom as pre-siege CCTV played

A man representing himself while accused of assaulting his former partner and splashing acid on four police officers is challenged when he says he is going to leave court because the evidence is "too distressing".
Daniel Victor Gandini, wearing a three piece suit and peak cap, standing in the sunshine on the street in Burnie.

Jobs are being left unfilled in Tasmania's public health system — on purpose. The government says it's 'prudent'

Job vacancies across radiology, pathology, nursing and midwifery questioned extensively by Labor and the Greens in response to the Tasmanian government's "vacancy control" measures, leaked last week in an internal Health Department memo.
Two buildings of the Royal Hobart Hospital with kunanyi/Mount Wellington visible in the background

Tasmania's power prices would have actually dropped had network costs not 'spoiled the party', regulator says

Tasmanian power prices will remain almost unchanged for the next 12 months and, when combined with state and federal government rebates, consumers could see an overall reduction.
A woman turns a switch on an electric heater.

'Diplomat Dan' wore goggles and allegedly threw acid on officers when they breached door during siege, court hears

Tactical protective clothing worn by police officers began to melt and disintegrate after Daniel Gandini allegedly splashed them with acid while they attempted to arrest him, a Tasmanian court hears.
Bearded man wearing suit eats apple in front of retro court building.

Court told of moment teen grabbed murder accused who 'looked me dead in the face and I saw it was my father'

A court hears from a young man who, while attempting to stop his mother being stabbed, caught sight of the alleged attacker who "looked me dead in the face … and I saw it was my father".
Man in forensics overalls exiting a house near police vehicle.

'Should we actually be doing this?' Thylacine de-extinction project questioned in new science exhibition

Even though we might be able to bring the thylacine back from extinction this science exhibition asks whether we should.
A Tasmanian tiger stands in an enclosure.

'Aggressive' snapchat messages behind teenager's decision to hit sister's partner with her car

In his victim impact statement, Brent Cruse wrote, "When I looked down, I saw my foot was completely crushed". Mr Cruse said he worked as a labourer before the incident but would now be reliant on Centrelink payments.
A man and a baby in the shallow water at the beach.

Racing appeals board scratches ban on Tasmania's lead harness racing trainer, Ben Yole, yet again

Tasracing fails in its bid to keep Ben Yole banned from harness racing in the state, as an appeals board overturns a ban for the second time.
A man holds a bunch of bridles.

'Disappointing to see': Antarctic Division frustrated as icebreaker crew fail to get COVID jabs

Newly released documents show the Australian Antarctic Division issued a stern rebuke to Serco, the private operator of the RSV Nuyina, for failing to comply with strict COVID vaccination rules on a voyage to Antarctica, where an infection could have severe consequences.
Front on view of an icebreaker ship.

Man representing himself in family violence trial bills psychologist for 'fair amount' of $10k an hour

A Tasmanian man representing himself in court over allegations of domestic violence against his then-wife has cross-examined his own psychologist, who first alerted police to the incident.
Bearded man wearing suit eats apple in front of retro court building.

This remote island was returned to Aboriginal people in a 'terrible' state. Rewilding it is proving a challenge

Indigenous land managers are hoping to repatriate ecologically and culturally significant species to lungtalanana, or Clarke Island, but feral cat predation and a lack of funding are standing in their way.  
Bass Strait wombat, Bennett's Wallaby and Long-nosed Potoroo composite image