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Climate Change

A surge in hybrid sales has surprised automakers and sounded alarm for emissions

Car buyers looking for low-emission options are choosing hybrid vehicles over fully battery-powered EVs, according to latest sales figures.
Hand of man inserting a power cord into an electric car

Australia's highest air pressure on record observed as monster high engulfs the nation

The abnormal pressure is having a significant impact on the nation's weather, including extreme low overnight temperatures over south-east states and a lengthy stretch of showery days along the eastern seaboard.
A lake which has iced over. The sun shines brightly overhead.

How to prepare an Australian home for cold weather

Laine Taylor has bought a miner’s cottage in Ballarat. To help her winter proof this home she has engaged an accredited energy assessor.
Keeping warm in winter. Australian homes. Man standing at window checking for drafts. Woman watches.
Duration: 2 minutes 49 seconds

Got an old, cold house like Laine's? Here are seven ways to make it warmer and cheaper

Australian homes are notoriously cold in winter — draughty, with poor insulation, thin glass and inadequate heating. But there's a growing movement of people retrofitting their homes to make them cheaper to run and more comfortable year-round, while also reducing emissions. 
A young woman wearing grey dress over black skivvy stands in front of a house, smiling with a mug in her hands

Hurricane Beryl rips toward Jamaica after leaving seven people dead in the Caribbean

Beryl is expected to reach Jamaica at midday local time, causing an expected storm surge of 1.8 to 2.7 metres above typical levels.
Car on top of another vehicle in flood water.

Protestors vow to keep disrupting train lines leading to world's largest coal port

Environmental activist group Blockade Australia plans to continue protests, which have already stopped passenger trains and coal movements into one of the world's biggest coal ports for more than a week. 
A man hanging from a rope above a train line.

Car import loophole allows manufacturers to rush polluting vehicles into Australia

A loophole in the government's New Vehicle Efficiency Standard could be exploited by car makers seeking to import higher-polluting vehicles, and would undermine the first three years of the new climate laws.
Rows of cars in a car park, with stacked shipping containers behind them.

It's cold and it's winter but a toxic 'sub-tropical' algae is still causing problems at the bottom of the Murray

Lake Alexandrina and the Murray River at Goolwa have been the subject of a water quality alert for months because of a toxic blue-green algae that used to only occur in the tropics.
A sign on a pole in front of a boat ramp and jetty warning people to stay out of the water

Delight as changing weather patterns bring rarely seen birds to South Australia's shores

Changing wind patterns due to global warming are blowing shorebirds to new coastal locations, says Birds SA rare birds chair Colin Rogers.
a flock of grey and white birds flock over a jetty and bay

Farmers in Tasmania's south-east put development on hold as climate changes and new water is knocked back

Drought threatens the future of food and wine production in Tasmania's south-east as a major new water project is knocked back.
A lady standing on a property, looking at the camera and smiling.

CSIRO chief executive says Peter Dutton's comments on energy report 'corrode public trust in science'

CSIRO CEO Dr Doug Hilton is urging politicians not to undermine scientists in the energy debate, after finding himself in the political firing line.
A bald man sitting at a ABC branded microphone with an on air sign lit up in the background.

NSW government accused of taking advice that 'throws away' state's emissions goals

External consultants advised the NSW government in 2023 that the Paris Agreement climate targets, which the state has committed to, won't be achieved, in its report on the best way to reduce coal mine emissions and obtained under FOI laws.  
NCIG Stacker Reclaimer as part of the billion dollar second stage of Newcastle's third coal loader

Rare sea snake lives in a WA reef near where Woodside proposes to drill for gas

The last stronghold of a sea snake slated for an endangered species listing sits atop Australia's largest undeveloped gas field.
A brown and light brown banded snake underwater on a bed of small white rocks

As India swelters in record heat, the New Delhi 'water tanker mafia' is back up and running

India's government deploys water tankers to the capital's poorest areas, but it's not enough. The desperate situation sees private suppliers selling water at exorbitant prices.
People climbing on top and standing on blue barrels and a truck with hoses down the side

Water supply concerns on the rise in key food-growing region north of Perth

Declining rainfall and a 34 per cent drop in water flow results in increased management measures put in place around the major food-producing town Gingin north of Perth.
Corn plants

Government approves Gina Rinehart-backed gas expansion plans

Senex Energy will build more than 120 new coal seam gas wells in southern Queensland after Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek green-lit the project.
A drilling rig in a clearing

Rooftop solar is doing the heavy lifting in the clean energy transition but the next step is supercharging household batteries

With big wind and solar projects stalling, the energy market operator forecasts that Australian households will continue to do the heavy lifting in the renewables transition, with four out of five homes to have rooftop solar by 2050. 
An illustration of a wind farm and a solar farm with an hour glass in the middle.

US athletes to get aircon in Paris amid heat fears for Olympians

The US Olympic team will use temporary air conditioning units at the Paris athletes' village, as concerns grow over the impact of heat on competitors.
A woman in a green bikini lies on the concrete bank of the Seine river reading, with a view of Paris visible in the background

Liberal Matt Kean, long a thorn in his own party's side, has been offered a job by Labor

The Liberal Party's most recognisable climate campaigner has been tapped by Labor to assume Australia's top climate advisory role.
a man standing at a podium with his hand up against his ear pretending to speak into a phone

Hundreds killed as extreme heat grips Northern Hemisphere

Record temperatures in recent days are causing hundreds of deaths across Asia, Europe and America, as scientists warn climate change is fuelling more extreme temperature peaks.
A man riding a bike in heat.

Climate activists arrested after spraying paint onto private jets at airport where they thought Taylor Swift's plane was stationed

Climate activists have gained access to a UK airport where they claimed Taylor Swift's luxury plane was stationed, however police later confirmed her aircraft was never there. 
A woman with an orange paint over airplane

What's a wave worth? Study finds surfing churns almost $3bn into the Australian economy each year

Researchers at the Australian National University have found the nation's surf breaks are worth a fortune to the economy as well as wave riders' wellbeing — and should be better protected as a result.
a surfer leaning into a wave

Former Nationals turned Independent MP shares community reaction from proposed nuclear power plant site

Independent MP Andrew Gee is the federal member for Calare, one of the proposed sites for the Coalition's nuclear power plan and says the community wants answers.
ABC News Current
Duration: 5 minutes 45 seconds

How to find the balance between renewables and food production

Local councils say the growing number of renewable energy projects needs to be balanced against local land use requirements and community interest.
Dozens of wind turbines scattered across the horizon.

analysis:Peter Dutton has placed a target on his back. Is his nuclear policy cunning genius or political self-destruction?

Peter Dutton has broken every single rule when it comes to unveiling radical policy as opposition leader, tearing up the script and gambling with his party's chances at the next election with his nuclear policy. Can he pull it off?
A man with a shaved head, wearing a suit.