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Computer Science

Government announces cloud based storage facility to keep secrets

Defence Minister Richard Marles says the purpose built $2 billion cloud storage facility will keep data secure in Australia.
Defence Minister Richard Marles speaking.
Duration: 2 minutes 19 seconds

Medibank allegedly failed to heed IT warnings before one of Australia's worst cybersecurity breaches

In what could be a costly blunder by health insurer Medibank, the Australian Information Commissioner alleges it knew about "serious deficiencies" in its IT security before hackers plundered the sensitive data of almost 10 million customers.
A grainy photo of a grinning man with short hair and a scarf around his neck.

Is using ChatGPT for an assignment cheating? It depends who you ask

Students are central to an AI arms race in which programs generating answers for assignments and those designed to catch them out are scrambling for superiority.
A composite image of a smart phone with ChatGPT on the screen and a hand holding a pen that is writing on paper.

Ticketmaster confirms data breach days after Home Affairs launches investigation

According to Ticketmaster's public filing, the company first identified "unauthorised activity" on May 20, a week before the post on social media.
A mock up of the live nation and ticketmaster logos on a phone

Ticketek Australia says customers' names, emails and dates of birth impacted by cyber security breach

The company says it has secure encryption methods in place for customer passwords, and no customer accounts or payment details had been compromised in the "cyber incident".
A blue Ticketek sign above a pair of pamphlets on a wall.

The Government’s bold $1 billion gamble on quantum computing technology

Quantum computing is seen by some as the next big thing with countries around the world investing billions in a race to be first to build a useful quantum computer.
ABC News Current
Duration: 6 minutes 27 seconds

Is autocorrect racist? The push to stamp out 'galling' ethnic name bias on phones and computers

A new campaign — called I Am Not A Typo — is urging tech companies to fix ethnic bias in their algorithms to stop autocorrect mangling so many people's names. 
Woman with long braided hair holding a mobile phone, with her hand to head and her eyes closed

Scarlett Johansson 'shocked' by ChatGPT voice 'eerily similar' to her own

OpenAI says it plans to halt the use of a ChatGPT voice that resembles Johansson, who famously voiced a fictional, and at the time futuristic, AI assistant in the 2013 film Her.
Scarlett Johansson at Avengers premiere.

AEC says it cannot stop AI deepfakes in election campaigns

The Australian Electoral Commission says it has limited scope to protect voters from deepfake videos and phone calls imitating politicians in upcoming elections. 
A colourful illustrations shows the neon paths of computer circuits arranged to resemble an illuminated human brain.

From face-swapping to chatbots — here's how South-East Asia's scammers are using AI tools

AI tools such as face-swapping and chatbots are being used by South-East Asia's crime syndicates to make their scams more efficient and effective. However, some operations appear to be having less success with the new tech than others.
A composite of two faces from a face-swap demonstration video. 

'People don't know where to go': Why social media feels so different right now, and where it's all heading

If you've lived online long enough for Facebook to start dredging up embarrassing status updates from a decade ago, chances are you've picked up on a distinct vibe shift in our virtual world.
A woman’s hands holding a smartphone, surrounded by messages of upset emojis

Qantas reveals cause of 'major data breach' that exposed customers' personal information

Qantas has confirmed that a technology issue was to blame for a glitch affecting its app that allowed customers to view the personal details of other travellers in an apparent privacy breach.
planes on an airport runway

Australia makes billion-dollar play for world's first commercial quantum computer

The Queensland and Australian governments have set aside $470 million each to build "the most complex machine ever built by humanity" in Brisbane. So how does it work?
A closeup photo of a computer chip

One in seven people admit to using tech to sexually harass colleagues at work, new data shows

Young people and women are particularly at risk, with work and personal emails or phones most commonly used by perpetrators. 
A young woman sits in the dark on the couch, looking at her phone.

Elon Musk heads to China as Tesla pushes self-driving technology rollout

Tesla CEO Elon Musk visits Beijing on an unannounced trip, where he is expected to discuss the rollout of the company's Full Self-Driving software, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.
Man sits in driver's seat.

NASA sends software update 24 billion kilometres to restore communication with Voyager 1

Humanity's most distant spacecraft — which fell silent in November — is once again sending status reports after NASA engineers working with a two-day communication delay devised a software fix for a failed computer chip.
An artist's impression of the Voyager spacecraft in space

Meta's amped-up AI agents confusing Facebook users

Facebook parent Meta unveiled a new set of artificial intelligence systems that are powering what CEO Mark Zuckerberg calls "the most intelligent AI assistant that you can freely use".
A phone displaying the meta logo sits on a computer keyboard

A fake AI-generated Dr Karl is scamming Australians and the real Dr Karl can't stop it

Scammers on Facebook and Instagram are using a fake, AI-generated Dr Karl to sell health pills to Australians. When users reported the ads to Meta, the company initially said there was nothing wrong with them.
An ad on Facebook featuring Dr Karl's image to promote a health product

Another state is introducing digital driver's licences. We asked IT experts about how safe your information is

Experts question why only one Australian state has implemented internationally recognised "gold standard" security measures for digital licences ahead of Victoria's statewide launch next month. 
A person holds a mobile phone in their hand with the screen open to a digital licence with driver's photograph.

Eight-year-old Liesel has just published her first book and safely managed screen time made it possible

Screen time is a big issue for many parents and educators, but when safely managed it can help children develop creativity, according to an expert. 
They stand together and hold the book

Ryan was building the fastest racing drones in the world. And then the military called

A small community of hobby drone racers, chasing a need for speed, unintentionally made a "terrifyingly powerful" weapon that has changed the world.
Ryan Gury at a drone racing event

'Australia and Russia': The missed fact check that sparked a complaint against Facebook's parent company

Posts that have been fact-checked and proven false are slipping through Meta's net, a new report alleges. And the tech giant could be in breach of their code of conduct.
The logo for Meta is printed on a white box floating from the ceiling

Melting ice caps are slowing Earth's spin. Here's why that's messing with time

Melting ice in Greenland and Antarctica is changing Earth's spin, which may help experts with a tricky international timekeeping dilemma, a new study suggests.
Ice on a curved globe

First patient of Elon Musk's brain chip implant shown playing online chess with his mind

Noland Arbaugh, who is paralysed from below the shoulder, used the Neuralink chip to play online chess, saying the technology had given him the ability to play video games again. 
Two men sit in a room

Meta, Google and other social media giants sent legal notices to explain how they combat terrorist and violent extremist material online

Australia's eSafety commissioner sent six companies legal notices that require them to answer detailed questions on how they are tackling the issue.
A phone displaying the meta logo sits on a computer keyboard