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Foreign Affairs

analysis:Two major stories explain the rise of Labour in the UK: the first is Britons' disillusionment with the Tories

Amid a period of global instability, the apparent Labour landslide shows the UK has lurched to the centre-left while much of Europe is moving to the right. Two major stories are now emerging.
A man stands behind a lectern inside in front of a red banner that says '5 missions for a better future'

Sri Lanka suffered a catastrophic economic crisis, but is it safe to travel there?

Sri Lanka has been rocked by a series of crises in the past two decades but locals are now urging tourists to return and enjoy its sights.
A man and a woman walk along a yellow sand beach and colourful umbrellas dot the shore.

Indian PM Narendra Modi to visit President Vladimir Putin in first bilateral meet since re-election

The Indian prime minister's visit will be his first one to the Kremlin in five years.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin shaking hands

analysis:Fatima Payman was once hailed as the modern face of the Labor party. Now she's joined the crossbench

Senator Fatima Payman was once held up by colleagues the modern face of both Australia and the party she represented. On Thursday, she joined the crossbench. 
Fatima Payman sits on the crossbench in the Senate

Birmingham says government must explain Israeli ambassador call-in

Israeli ambassador Amir Maimon is reportedly summoned to a meeting in Canberra and warned his nation could not expect Australia's support if it goes to war with listed terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Amir Maimon looks down on the Press Club stage.

China seizes Taiwan fishing boat with crew near Chinese coast

Taiwan's coast guard says the squid fishing boat was near the Taiwan-administered Kinmen islands but in Chinese waters when it was boarded and seized. 
A Chinese coast guard ship is seen in the distance in the South China Sea.

analysis:Biden's bad night has become a worse week. And for Trump, things keep getting better

This past week was arguably the worst of Joe Biden's 2024 campaign. And it might have been one of Donald Trump's best. 
Joe Biden yells mouth wide open with his fist in the air at a podium.

It's a home with a serious view. But human rights lawyers say should be banned from advertising it

Igal uses the online platform to advertise his holiday apartment. But human rights lawyers want the practice banned and allege is breaking international law.
A man standing on a balcony deck, looking over a swimming pool with large arid mountains and a blue sky beyond the propety

Payman decision expected as caucus colleagues express concern over claims she was being guided by 'God'

The West Australian senator has told colleagues she is seeking religious guidance on her next move but is expected to make a decision on quitting her party today. 
A young woman wearing thin glasses, light red lipstick and a grey hijab looks to her right in closeup

Trash-filled balloons sent from North Korea affected over 10,000 South Korea plane passengers, Seoul MP says

Seoul MP Jeong Jun-ho says the trash-filled balloons which North Korea sent over the border to South Korea affected thousands of travel plans.
A white balloon attached via to a white bag of trash sits on a river.

analysis:Should Joe Biden step down? Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter have a warning

Joe Biden has jet lag. Joe Biden has a cold. Joe Biden was over-prepared. Joe Biden was under-prepared. Joe Biden has a stutter. Defenders of the president have trotted out plenty of excuses since last week's catastrophic first debate against Donald Trump. But should they replace him?
Joe Biden with one hand raised partially covered by dark shadows.

Cambodian court jails environmental activists for plotting against government, insulting king

A Cambodian court hands jail terms of up to eight years to 10 environmental activists on charges of plotting against the government and insulting the king.
A woman being arrested by police.

'Public anger': Hundreds of thousands sign online petition demanding impeachment of President Yoon

An online petition for the impeachment of Yoon Suk Yeol is closing in on 1 million signatures, leading to delays and disruptions of the website. 
A man in suit waving South Korean national flag.

As Julian Assange languished in a British prison, Anthony Albanese passed a message to his lawyers that would prove a turning point

For the first time, two of the people closest to the negotiations to free Julian Assange have revealed what it took to convince the United States to release the man who had published hundreds of thousands of their most secret documents.
Assange and Robinson sit in plane seats, looking happy.

Pacific nations will find it 'hard' if China disregards their sovereignty, new top diplomat says

The Pacific's new top diplomat says it will be "hard" for the region to deal with China if Beijing behaves aggressively, or disregards the sovereignty of smaller island countries.
President of Nauru Baron Waqa speaks during the opening of COP24 UN Climate Change Conference 2018.

Suspended for her Palestine vote, Labor's Fatima Payman is isolated from colleagues but has pockets of support

Labor senator Fatima Payman draws heavy fire from her colleagues on Monday morning after she was banished from the federal party for her defiance over Palestine.
A woman wearing a hijab looks at her phone.

analysis:Fatima Payman has won an unlikely ally, but her calculated defiance is in many ways the worst outcome for Labor

Fatima Payman's calculated defiance is also in many ways the worst outcome for Labor. This painful episode has shown the power of this one senator to unleash a seismic political disruptor inside the party. But the events of the past days have also revealed Payman's unexpected political ally within Labor.
a composite image shows a man with glasses pointing and a woman in a muslim headscarf smiling

PNG is trying to work out what its population is, but there are fears even a census won't be able to determine it

PNG has not had an accurate count of its population in 24 years and estimates vary by millions, but with a new census underway and officials heading to all corners of the country by road, boat and helicopter there could soon be a reliable number on exactly how many people are in the country.
Two PNG census officials complete paperwork as they chat with a woman in the shade near a building.

Riot-stricken New Caledonia is empty of travellers. Businesses hope it can regain its place as a Pacific tourism jewel

Blessed with pristine lagoons and coral reefs, New Caledonia was hoping to attract more Australian tourists. After civil unrest struck, businesses are now thinking about survival.
A pristine white sand beach with palm trees and turquoise water.

'No mercy for terrorism': Serbian police officer in hospital after crossbow attack near Israeli embassy

The attacker — believed to be part of a puritanical Muslim sect — is shot dead after shooting a police officer in the neck at a guard house at the Israeli embassy in Belgrade.
Two armed police officers block an intersection near the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia.

analysis:Joe Biden has stated the obvious after his panic-inducing debate. But can he recover?

It was supposed to ease concerns about his mental and physical fitness, but instead Joe Biden's debate performance only enhanced them. Now, the pressure on the president to pull out of the election race is intensifying.
Joe Biden stands at a podium at the CNN presidential debate

Bolivian president says accusations he was behind attempted coup are 'lies'

The Bolivian president has angrily called the accusations that he was behind a failed "self-coup" against his government "lies".
A man with black hair wearing a black blazer with a blue striped shirt underneath, standing in front of a microphone.

'That's hostage justice': Lawyer's fears for Australian woman charged with drug importation in Japan

After 18 months awaiting trial for allegedly trying to import 2 kilograms of methamphetamine into Japan, WA grandmother Donna Nelson is allowed to spend time with her three-year-old granddaughter. 
A headshot of a woman in front of a textured orange backdrop

analysis:The Assange light and sound show overshadows government problems but it can't last

Anthony Albanese needs to take the win and move on from the successful negotiation of Julian Assange's freedom. The issue could become sticky fly paper and with troubling inflation and Senator Fatima Payman voting across party lines, he now has other problems to tackle.
A man in suit gets out of a ca r

'Unprecedented in Iran's recent history': President's death triggers a snap election as voters hit the polls

Voters are heading to the polls a year early to usher in new leadership at a time when the Iranian regime faces deteriorating domestic support and rising regional turmoil.
A man with a beard and glasses stands at a podium in front of a banner with the image of late Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi.