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Grain Growing

Can agriculture be weaned off diesel? Some farmers are finding it harder than others to decarbonise

Diesel accounts for about 85 per cent of the energy used on Australian farms, but that mix is expected to change as alternative fuels and renewable technology become more affordable.
An aerial view of a combine harvester on a crop.

Yabby exporter fears change to aerial spraying rules may kill her crustaceans

Some farmers and scientists say the removal of a restriction banning aerial crop spraying near farm dams and salt lakes poses a risk to both businesses and the environment.
Aerotech Crop Plane

Almost half SA farmers expect 'extraordinarily dry' conditions to worsen

South Australian farmers are banking on late winter rain to save their season but optimism is flagging as dry conditions continue.
A fair-skinned man, Lloyd, drops square ryegrass hay bales off his white ute to sheep in a dusty paddock.

Farmers rejoice after cold front breaks drought in WA's northern Wheatbelt

After battling through a dry 18 months, some grain farmers near Geraldton are celebrating more rain in three days than they recorded across the whole of last year.
A flooded paddock

Despite the world's need for more food, farmers could be forced to grow fewer crops this year

While shoppers battle with the cost of food at the check-out, farmers around the world are expected to sow fewer crops this year, as the cost of growing some produce is higher than its potential value. 
Western Australian farmer  Michael O'Callaghan.

Widespread rain 'lifts the spirits' and potentially the profits of farmers in NSW

Graziers are hoping an east coast low dumping rain across NSW will spur a last minute burst of pasture growth for producers offloading stock, and crops will be boosted — if there's enough sunshine in coming weeks.
A man and his dog in a wet crop.

Paddocks and roads flooded as WA town receives more than a third of its annual rainfall in 72 hours

The West Australian town of Hyden's March average rainfall of 23 millimetres has been eclipsed after the Bureau of Meteorology recorded 118 millimetres from Saturday to Monday.
flooded farm land

Rice and noodles are Asian kitchen staples, but Australian oats could soon take over

"Rice" and noodles made from oats are on track to replace the more traditional versions in Asian pantries as international demand for the Australian product continues to grow. 
Bowl of noodles in a lab, noodles held up by chopsticks.

Rescuers free man 'drowning' in grain underneath collapsed silo using shovels and front-end loader

Emergency services cut through the collapsed bottom of a silo at a rural Queensland property to help the trapped man who was "drowning" in grain.
Emergency services attend to someone underneath multiple silos

Farmers say fall armyworm 'identical to a bushfire' as it wipes out crops within days

The invasive insect causes millions of dollars in losses across Australia's summer crop-growing regions.
Four male farmers crouching in a paddock with ruined crop

'Risky' business as Australian barley exports to China surge after three-year ban

Barley exports to China are booming after tariffs were lifted in August, but are Australian farmers just repeating the same mistake?
Barley on a grain belt with an auger

China's appetite for Australian barley is back, three years after tariffs halted the market

Farmers say it took time to bounce back from China's tariffs on Australian barley, but the reopening of the market has been positive.
A composite photo of Australian and Chinese flags combined with a grain photo overlaid 

Innovation helping feed Australia's $2 billion aquaculture industry

Australia's aquaculture industry contributes billions to the economy every year, but the fish food industry supporting its growth is also big business.
A composite image of fish food pellets, and a barramundi in a tank lit with blue green light.

At 21, Ellie manages 60 staff and handles hundreds of thousands of tonnes of grain, and she couldn't be happier

What were you doing at 21 years old? Most likely not overseeing the operations at one of the busiest grain receival sites in the country. But it's all in day's work for Ellie Murden.
Ellie Murden

Flour mills were once a symbol of a town's prosperity, but now only a handful remain

Some mills have been given new life as art installations, but this southern NSW mill is still turning local wheat into flour much like it did in 1888.
A black and white photo of a building in 1916.

Authorities postpone evacuation of flooded Wujal Wujal, Cairns Airport runway cleared but flights yet to resume

Premier Steven Miles says rain and cloud in Far North Queensland has hampered efforts to airlift residents of Wujal Wujal to an evacuation centre, but another attempt will be made on Tuesday morning.
Water tot he roofs in Wujal Wujal.

SA grain growers go Christmas shopping and have family holidays after early harvest finish

Many grain farmers in South Australia are celebrating an early harvest and planning how they will keep busy on what will be one of their earliest breaks at Christmas time.
A kelpie on a farm in front of a truck.

Recent rain good news for farmers, but dry spring will see the value of production plummet

The dry spring caused by El Niño and Indian Ocean Dipole climate patterns is expected to result in a $16 billion fall in the value of agriculture this financial year.
A tractor drives over dirt property, with a women inside driving it.

Heavy rain wipes 'millions of dollars' off crop values during critical harvest

A heavy downpour across southern Australia has coincided with the peak of the busy grain harvest season, throwing farmers' plans into disarray.
Dark clouds moving across a farming landscape.

A fifth of a farmer's canola crop died — then the seed company asked him to sign an NDA

John Snooke says the Pacific Seeds' "garrison" canola variety's underperformance has cost him more than $70,000, but the company will not pay compensation.
Canola crops with mountain ranges behind

Backpacker dies after suspected snakebite at Mallee grain depot

The 25-year-old French man died following a suspected brown snake bite while working as a grain harvest casual in north-west Victoria.
Australian Eastern Brown Snake coiled on sand in the bright sunshine.

Early start to harvest catches WA farmers off guard

Some farmers say the hot, dry spring has brought on the earliest start they have ever seen, with a run of hot days ripening crops a lot quicker than expected.
Farmer looking at his canola seed post harvest.

Genetically modified biofuel crop sold off as bird seed as developer's finance stalls

Touted as a new-age biofuel by its promoters, a safflower harvest has been sold as birdseed after a lawyer found an alternative market for farmers who had been contracted to grow it.
A sign saying GO Resources with safflower flowering behind it

Brown, red, black, riceberry: Which is the healthiest type of rice?

There are more than 40,000 varieties of cultivated rice. If you've ever wondered about the differences between all the colourful rices at the supermarket, here's a rundown.
A close up photo of uncooked grains of coloured rice in a white ceramic bowl

'Timely and lovely' rain puts smiles on the faces of NSW farmers

Some in the state have endured the driest periods in decades and say the falls will put them in good stead for the summer to come.
Family of four in a tractor cabin, smiling