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You can save hundreds in a few hours by ticking off these financial housekeeping tasks

Do you shop around when your insurance company or energy supplier sends you a bill with increased prices? If not, you might be missing out on savings.
A woman smiles while putting a coin int a pink piggy bank.

analysis:What a 15-minute phone call with my insurer taught me about how we're being charged

Inflationary pressures are proving stubborn and the Reserve Bank does not want to push a fragile economy over the edge. So, are consumers in a better position to battle on the inflation front lines?
Rows of cars damaged with smashed windscreens and dented bonnets.

Car insurers expect you to be 'lazy' with finding a better deal — here's how to beat them

Is your car insurance policy due for renewal soon? If you're a loyal customer, your insurer may not be giving you the deal you deserve.
A young woman sits on a couch, in front of a laptop with two printed bills in her hands, looking shocked.

The absence of a basic cybersecurity measure led to the Medibank hack, regulator alleges

The OAIC alleges Medibank failed to act on multiple reports of vulnerabilities in its cyber security framework before a lack of multi-factor authentication led to a major data hack of nearly 9.7 million past and current customers.
A few people walk up and down stairs. The left wall is white paneling bearing the Medibank logo

It's been four years since this Victorian family's builder fled the country. Their home is still not finished

Multiple families say their dealings with the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority have been worse than the collapse of their builder. 
Siddarth stands behind Chetna with his hand on her shoulder as they both look out the window of their partially built apartment.

Thousands of homes “uninsurable” after updated flood zone modelling

According to a new report from Climate Valuation, by 2030, over three million homes across Australia will have exposure to some level of riverine flood.
ABC News Current
Duration: 7 minutes 54 seconds

With a solar farm moving in next door, Stephen is worried about his insurance

A farmer with $50 million in public liability insurance says it will not be enough should a fire jump from his place into a new neighbouring solar farm. He says it isn't sufficient to cover "rebuilding an industrial estate" and wants the industry pick up the slack.
Male farmer sitting in utility looking out at solar development

How will people with disability be involved in designing changes to the NDIS?

The federal government is committing to work further with the disability community to design changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Woman looks at the NDIS complaints form online

Medibank legal case a 'wake-up' call for Australian businesses

The Australian Information Commissioner is suing Medibank over a 2022 hack that leaked sensitive data about millions of Australians.
A man stands in an alleyway.

An MP's daughter nearly died from a common genetic condition. When he went to get tested, the doctor's response shocked him

Julian Hill is one of a number of MPs calling for a complete ban on the use of genetic tests in life insurance assessments.
A white man with short brown hair and glasses sitting in an office. He's wearing a shirt and tie

Suburb hit by vandalism spree, but some victims won't receive a cent from insurers

An insurance policy clause means some victims of a vandalism spree won't receive a cent, but others will be fully covered.
A young woman and man stand next to a vandalised car

Insurance giant accused of using computer program to inflate premiums of loyal customers

Kerry Reece has been loyal to her insurer for decades, but a new class action claims her loyalty might not have been rewarded — rather it has seen the bills of customers like her inflated, lawyers are alleging.  
Kerry Reece and her husband Brendan sit at the kitchen table looking at insurance bills

The hidden costs of home ownership and why they're on the rise

Paying a mortgage is just one part of home ownership. Here are some of the other expenses to factor in.
A home buyer looks at documents. In the foreground of the image is a model house and keys.

'People are still buying … regardless of the risks': Insurers warn hundreds of thousands of homes are under threat

Extreme weather linked to climate change risks negatively affecting coastal property market values, as storm-related damage and erosion take their toll and insurance premiums soar.
Houses on a cliff edge in the northern Illawarra region.

Tammie's Gold Coast hinterland home was destroyed at Christmas. She's still waiting to get it fixed

Months after a series of freak storms tore through the Gold Coast hinterland, Tammie Fogarty is still waiting for her home to be repaired. She says disaster victims have been left to fend for themselves as the state grapples with a $2.2 billion rebuild.
a woman standing in the living room of her storm damaged home

Flood victims tell inquiry the insurance industry 'exacerbated their trauma'

One business owner told the inquiry she was asked why her $20,000 photocopier had been on the floor when a 2m torrent of water inundated her shop. Others say they were pressured to accept low payouts after long delays.
Aerial view of several homes and a large building under flood waters

All Australians will foot the bill after climate disasters leave insurance industry on the brink

Floods, bushfires, and severe storms send insurance costs skyrocketing. It's high time for Australia to heed warnings from other parts of the world before insurance becomes unaffordable for all Australians — or simply unavailable. 
Flooded house in Norman Park in Brisbane

Households choosing food over insurance cover despite financial planners warning of big risks

There is mounting evidence that basic forms of insurance are becoming unaffordable for many Australians as the cost-of-living crisis deepens.
An aerial photo of a new housing estate with empty blocks and several new houses being built.

Residents fume over cash-strapped outback shire's botched insurance claim on $100,000 vehicle

Halls Creek Shire has apologised for its handling of a work vehicle crash which occurred on a public holiday near a popular recreation spot, as ratepayers lament a potential waste of vital funds.
A sign saying Welcome to Halls Creek

Rochester residents still living out of sheds 18 months after floods, inquiry told insurance companies are to blame

Shells of homes, shipping containers and furniture in front yards are fixtures of northern Victorian streets as residents battle insurance companies for compensation 18 months after devastating floods.
Stephen Harris outside his caravan

Queensland family lived in 'uninhabitable' home with backyard steeped in sewage after 2022 floods

More than two years on from the 2022 floods, this family occupies an unlockable "half a house" that's constantly damp and prone to vermin.
a man sitting with his arm around a woman

'We've lost everything': Couple say flood insurer's response saw 'liveable' home become 'total loss'

More than two years after south-east Queensland was battered by flooding, Karl and Marie McKeever are still dealing with the fallout.
A woman and a man staring forward at something to the right of the picture.

South Coast trains remain offline after flooding exposes railway track's fragility

Residents say they are grappling with all too familiar frustrations after severe weather in New South Wales damaged the South Coast rail line and exposed insurance vulnerabilities in the region.
A rail line with the soil washed out from under it.

Community-funded water park left to languish as insurers refuse to cover youth initiative

A police officer and youth advocate who planned to a bring a portable water park to rural children in western Victoria says he has been left high and dry by a risk-averse insurance market. 
a female lifeguard stands on the edge of an outdoor pool with a blue and yellow inflatable obstacle course on the water behind

Netstrata chief stands aside from peak body, company apologises after ABC report reveals excessive fees

Netstrata managing director Stephen Brell stands aside as the president of the NSW industry peak body in the wake of an ABC investigation into his firm.
the exterior of a white apartment building