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Lake Tyers - 3887

Famous orca Split Fin excites South Coast residents by returning with new family member

With distinctive characteristics, Split Fin and Bent Tip are part of an orca family that has thrilled South Coast residents since being spotted more than 20 years ago.
two orcas pop out of the water with cliffs in the background

'Water has always been at the very core of our existence' say traditional owners after watershed deal

Under a new licensing agreement, more Victorian water is being returned to Gippsland's Gunaikurnai traditional owners in a bid to further strengthen their connection to country.
Limestone caves

These women chose wellbeing over stressful careers — and they haven't looked back

Exhausted and feeling like her work was "never enough", Jodie Tuckwell-Knight gave away her chief executive position in Melbourne to move to "an untapped treasure", to enjoy beach walks and time to notice the world around her.
portrait of an artist women deep in thought at her art studio desk.

Inspired by nature, Josephine is designing a floating sculpture that doubles as an ecosystem

Artist Josephine Jakobi, this year's major prize winner of the International Art Textile Biennale, revisits the life cycles of Victoria's Lake Tyers in her latest art installation project, Observatorium.
Josephine Jakobi outside her shed studio.

Single mum on social housing list for two years, evicted from temporary accommodation

Tamia Hood lives in an old pop-top caravan with her mother and four-year-old son, near a town with empty holiday homes.
Two women sit outside an old caravan in front of an open fire.

$2.4m committed to building Indigenous emergency centre at Bung Yarnda

After their Black Summer ordeal, residents have welcomed a plan to build a crisis centre for Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust.
A smiling Indigenous woman with long dark hair.

Uncle Herb reflects on a lifetime of playing 'the cheapest instrument in the world', the gumleaf

Uncle Herb Patten has been making music from gumleaves since he was five years old and wants others to take it up.
A man holding a leaf on a branch.

How to play the gumleaf with Uncle Herb Patten

From busking on the streets of Melbourne, to taking centre stage at the Sydney Opera House, Gunaikurnai gum leaf performer Uncle Herb Patten, has had a remarkable musical career performing at schools, public events , festivals, competitions and on numerous TV and radio shows.
ABC News Current
Duration: 2 minutes 53 seconds

Culturally significant lake opens naturally after five years

The Lake Tyers sandbar has naturally opened to the ocean for the first time since 2016, enthralling a cavalry of curious onlookers keen to witness the awe of Mother Nature’s spectacle.
An older tourist takes photos of the lake opening, his partner points  at the bird life in the distance.

Bushfire recovery cricket match lays on an impressive total a year on from fires

Fire-affected communities in eastern Victoria have turned out for an inaugural cricket match to compete for an urn shaped from tea tree salvaged from a peat fire which burned for weeks.
Two men stand behind their two young sons holding cricket bats.

Looking for a job? This region might be the place for you

Staff shortages are closing Gippsland tourism businesses in the middle of a domestic travel boom — and it's not the only industry suffering.
A pub owner looking out over the water from his business

Stories of Influence returns to Lake Tyers with focus on eco fiction

The emergence of eco fiction, a genre of adult and children’s books, is driven by an underlying message of environmental conservation.
Aviva Reed holding up her book of illustrations

A healing cloak around the shoulders of a weary community

An Aboriginal artist revives the art of possum skin cloak etching to help the East Gippsland community come together to heal after drought, bushfire and the COVID-19 outbreak.
Women figures on possum skin cloak

Grants for people 'who can afford a $700k home' frustrate welfare workers

With many of Gippsland's homeless facing "a very long wait" for emergency housing, welfare workers have criticise the Federal Government's $688 million construction stimulus package as a missed opportunity.
Two young parents sit outside a home with their two babies.

Sacred for thousands of years, this lake is now popular with sea changers

Bung Yarnda, also known as Lake Tyers, has a rich Indigenous history as a fishing and camping place for Gunai clans in east Victoria. Now a thriving coastal town, the area faces the pressures of population growth.
Indigenous man stands on the shore of Lake Tyers

Floating studio gives artists the ultimate space to create

Imagine living in the wilderness aboard your own floating art studio, waking up to blissful, uninterrupted views from every window.
houseboat on Lake Tyers

Aboriginal art gets unlikely canvas as it lights up a coal-fired power station

Forget silo art — this NAIDOC week it is the enormous cooling tower of a coal-fired power station that is being lit up with an artwork by Aboriginal elder Aunty Eileen Harrison.
A woman holds up a painting while behind her the same image is projected much bigger in light on a power station tower.

The all-Indigenous fire brigade 'saving assets and saving lives'

The members of Victoria's only all-Indigenous fire brigade are leading a dramatic shift in community attitudes towards fire.
Charmaine Sellings wearing her yellow fire jacket with smoke and bush in the background.

Yes, it's a monster fish but is it a winner?

You might think a dusky flathead almost a metre long would be enough to win a fishing competition, but history tells us that's not necessarily the case.
Recreational fisherman Timber Wolf, from Lake Tyers in eastern Victoria, reeled in this big 94 centimetre flathead.

Bad weather may be behind whale deaths off Victorian coast

Recent bad weather in Victoria may have contributed to the deaths of a rare dwarf sperm whale and two other smaller whales, an expert at Melbourne Museum says.
A dead whale on a beach in Gippsland.

Gippsland hosts mobile phone blackspot forums

The Federal Government is holding forums in Gippsland this week on funding for mobile phone blackspots.
ABC News Current

Man accused of Lake Tyers murder

A 56-year-old man has been charged with the murder of a man in eastern Victoria.
ABC News Current

Man quizzed over Lake Tyers bashing death

A man has died after being assaulted at a house at Lake Tyers in East Gippsland last night.
ABC News Current

Interim board to manage Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust

The Victorian Government has appointed an interim board to manage the Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust in East Gippsland.
ABC News Current

Police probe Lake Tyers drowning

A man drowned at Lake Tyers yesterday afternoon.
ABC News Current