Media Bites
Media Bites
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Hero or villain?
Julian Assange has returned to Australia and there’s still no consensus over his legacy. Is he a freedom fighter and hero or a traitor and villain?
Panda Propaganda
Panda-monium unleashed during the Chinese Premier’s Australian visit as Chinese embassy staff target journalist Cheng Lei.
‘A bloody nuisance’
Nigel Farage’s return to UK politics met with cheers, rocks and milkshakes, as the populist candidate locks horns with the media
Disney fairytale
Disneyland won’t be coming to Australia anytime soon despite the media’s excitement.
Bad day at work
Indian pollster cries on live TV after getting Narendra Modi’s election margin horribly wrong.
Nine’s Wicked Shame
“For an industry that encourages people to go public and hold the powerful to account, it is tragic and telling that the media can’t convince any of its own to do the same.”
Nine in crisis mode over Darren Wick harassment claims.
Gina’s art attack
Gina Rinehart’s demand that the National Gallery remove an ‘unflattering’ portrait ensures its is seen by millions more.
Bullet wound Budget
‘Band-Aid on a bullet wound’: Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor loves his budget catchcry.
Trump’s Stormy Night
Steamy, spanky, silky: Reporters blush and giggle as Stormy Daniels gives evidence in Trump criminal trial.
Dynamic Duo
Palmer and Tucker spruik tickets for their ‘Freedom Conference’. How much would you pay to hear them speak?
Catch of the day
Million-dollar catch for Top End teen turns awkward after sad TV admission.
Trump on Trial
Hush, Trump! Ex-President angers judge in criminal trial as partisan media barrack and berate the Don.