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Oceans and Reefs

Government flags massive expansion of Antarctic marine park for 'untouched' Heard and McDonald Islands

The marine park that includes the subantarctic Heard and McDonald Islands is set for a massive expansion, with the federal government planning to protect an extra 300,000 square kilometres of ocean.
Four king penguins on a wide pebbly expanse in front of icy mountains. Two are standing, one is lying down and one is grooming

China seizes Taiwan fishing boat with crew near Chinese coast

Taiwan's coast guard says the squid fishing boat was near the Taiwan-administered Kinmen islands but in Chinese waters when it was boarded and seized. 
A Chinese coast guard ship is seen in the distance in the South China Sea.

Paddle boarders risk $30k fine to free humpback whale trapped in shark net

The group says it reported the distressed whale in waters off the Sunshine Coast to authorities but when no-one had arrived almost an hour later, they took action fearing it was "drowning".
A video still of a humpback whale trapped in a shark net.

Rescuers free humpback whale tangled in 800kg of ropes, buoys it may have towed from Antarctica

A distressed humpback whale tangled in a huge mass of fishing equipment has been freed after a major rescue effort off the Gippsland coast in Victoria. 
Ropes and buoys on the deck on a jetty with police boat in the background.

Rare sea snake lives in a WA reef near where Woodside proposes to drill for gas

The last stronghold of a sea snake slated for an endangered species listing sits atop Australia's largest undeveloped gas field.
A brown and light brown banded snake underwater on a bed of small white rocks

Rescuers search for humpback whale seen tangled in 200 metres of rope

Authorities have called for help to find a whale that was seen tangled in ropes and buoys off the Gippsland coast in Victoria.
a whale swimming in the ocean off Victoria's east coast tangled in ropes, lines and buoys

Meet 'Johnathan' the AI-powered camera, just one type of new technology saving the ocean's endangered animals

It is often said AI will take the jobs humans should be doing — but in this case, the human researchers are happy enough to pass on the job of scanning thousands of hours of recordings made deep in the Southern Ocean, freeing them up for the pursuit of scientific breakthroughs.  
A robot that resembles a CCTV camera is attached to the front of a research vessel.

Stingrays' decline could spell trouble for delicate estuarine ecosystems, fisheries

Using drones, aerial imagery, and 3D modelling to map and identify stingray feeding pits on the estuary floor, a study has found they play a significant role in health of estuarine ecosystems.
Grey stingray in water

What's a wave worth? Study finds surfing churns almost $3bn into the Australian economy each year

Researchers at the Australian National University have found the nation's surf breaks are worth a fortune to the economy as well as wave riders' wellbeing — and should be better protected as a result.
a surfer leaning into a wave

Singaporeans rush to clean oil spill after boats collide

A dredger boat which suddenly lost engine and steering control has hit a stationary cargo tanker, causing an oil spill in Singapore. 
People with garbage bags in front of a beach covered in oil.

Australia considers mandating recycled plastic packaging as beaches drown in rubbish

Environment groups cleaning and re-cleaning remote northern Australian beaches of rubbish are calling on the federal government to do more to stop plastic being produced.
A photo of hand holding plastic pieces.

analysis:I've been ocean swimming for years, I know how to spot a rip. Last weekend, I almost drowned in one

Last weekend, whilst swimming in what looked like a protected natural rock pool, I was pulled into a dangerous rip that was dumping onto a reef. My mind cleared as I slowed down and I thought: "So this is it. This is how people drown."
Julia Baird, who has short brown-blonde hair and is wearing a black wetsuit, looks over the ocean in morning sunlight

Council decides to leave Robe's famous obelisk at the mercy of the sea

The local council in Robe, in South Australia's south-east, has decided to not spend ratepayers' money to investigate saving the town's famous obelisk from falling into the sea.
A red and white pyramid-shaped obelisk on the edge of a rocky cliff.

Government approves smaller offshore wind zone off Illawarra

The federal government has given the green light to a fourth offshore wind zone, located off the Illawarra coast, with a reduced size, following community concerns.
Chris Bowen addresses a large pack of media with microphones in front of him and steelworks in the background.

Communities are crying out for help to protect their coastlines. Sand nourishment is one solution being considered

Beaches around Australia are at risk of disappearing. As climate change brings about more severe storms and the sea level rises, many communities are looking to solutions such as sand nourishment to address the issue.
Two teenage girls in surfing wetsuits next to their surfboards on Wamberal beach.

This new marine park has been compared to the Great Barrier Reef and Ningaloo. But will it bring tourists?

The West Australian government says its planned new marine park will be world-class. But among locals, opinion is split on whether it will deliver a promised tourism windfall.  
A rainbow on a beach

opinion:Port Fairy has seen off energy developers before. Jock Serong is part of the community - he shares what it's been like

Communities, like those in Victoria's Port Fairy, are pushing back against seismic blasting that threatened marine life in the Otway basin and surrounding areas.
A couple look into a community meeting hall

Report reveals WA government knew regional jetty was unviable prior to fix worth almost half a million dollars

An engineers' report obtained under Freedom of Information shows the jetty chosen to host Bunbury's long-awaited public fishing platform had been recommended for decommissioning just months prior.
Two timber jetty piles in the water with significant damage. One has a hole you can see all the way through

Three species of birds were all but wiped out on this Australian island in a single day

New research has revealed the devastating impact Tropical Cyclone Ilsa had on bird populations on Bedout Island off WA's Pilbara.
Two dead birds on a beach

'Wasn't quite sitting right': Scientist shocked by sight of shark vomiting up echidna

Nicholas Lubitz witnessed the remarkable emetic incident during a three-year project that saw hundreds of marine creatures tagged off the Queensland coast.
A composite image showing a shark and an echidna, both swimming in the ocean.

World's largest living coral reef exhibit closed indefinitely

Australia's Reef Authority had $80 million to repair and refurbish its showpiece aquarium in Townsville, but scrapped the project for a grander design it knew it could not pay for.
An aerial shot of Reef HQ aquarium in Townsville where a coral reef can be seen surrounded by buildings.

Fresh calls for shark nets' removal after humpback whale tangled up off Queensland coast

Environmental advocates renew calls for the state to remove shark nets during whale migration season after a humpback is freed from a tangle off the Sunshine Coast.
A close-up photo of a whale tale as it splashes back into the water.

As mitigation programs ramp up elsewhere, this shark attack hotspot still goes without

Shark fatalities on a remote coastline west of Adelaide accounted for 30 per cent of all shark deaths last year. But while other states pour millions of dollars into mitigation programs, the SA government says it is still working on a plan.  
Cage-diving with a big shark

Kimberley reefs avoid major coral bleaching event due to tropical storms bringing heat relief

Marine scientists are buoyed to find two reefs off the Kimberley coast have escaped the brunt of excessive sea temperatures over summer, but are worried about what's around the corner.
An orange and white striped fish peeks out from anemone

Diver prepares to farewell octopus friend as creature's final journey begins

Scott Gutterson formed a friendship with the animal based on trust, mutual intrigue and a lot of touchy-feely arms.
a close up of underwater of the face of  n octopus with blue tenacles