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Parenting Babies and Toddlers

'I thought we were past this': Mums share their experiences of taking breastfed babies to live gigs

We spoke to mothers to hear about their experiences of taking their breastfed babies to live gigs such as the theatre and concerts, including one who welcomes babies at shows of her own.
Smiling woman breastfeeding her baby on a brown leather couch. She has a white muslin draped over her shoulder.

'We can't outsource it': The importance of supporting loved ones who breastfeed

Most mothers start out breastfeeding their baby, but by the time babies are five months old, exclusive breastfeeding drops to 15 per cent. Valuing breastfeeding as work could help change that.
woman breastfeeds her newborn baby

Parents of twins, triplets, quadruplets call for support from government and more paid parental leave

Parents of triplets and quadruplets say they're struggling to make ends meet, calling on the federal government to expand support for families of multiples.
4 white babies on a white bed sheet. They are each wearing differently coloured pastel onesies.

perspective:I made a choice not many dads feel able to. I quit my job to be with my baby

Alex McKinnon made a choice not many men feel able to. He quit his job to stay home with his newborn and his wife. 
Alex McKinnon sits on a couch holding his newborn daughter, wrapped in a crocheted blanket with her head against his chest.

perspective:'If our baby is anything like the sum of us, he's going to be incredible'

Having a baby with limb and facial difference can be scary for parents as they enter a world unknown to them. But Dave and Lana feel prepared to help their son thrive with his difference, because it's one the whole family shares.
Lana is lying next to her baby. Lana has dark hair and is smiling. The baby has a bilateral cleft palette and is also smiling

perspective:Found a discarded toy at the playground? Finders keepers, losers weepers, right?

When my daughter discovered a pink tea set abandoned at our local playground, it was the greatest treasure to have ever been unearthed. Was it hers for the taking? I wasn't so sure. 
Veronica and her two young children are sitting in a playground

Toddlers are tiny despots. Mine has hijacked my TV

Before having children, Jenna used to spend weekends — and weeknights — bingeing the latest shows. Not anymore.
Two illustrations, side by side. On the left, a TV remote, on the right, a woman holding a toddler's hand.

Is it bad to wear perfume around newborn babies?

Is perfume harmful to a baby's health or is it that we prefer to protect that newborn smell? The answer might surprise you.
Older woman holds newborn baby in her arms

perspective:As parents, we don’t always agree — but it's important to act as though we do

The dinner table is a hotbed of parental tension. What’s important for one parent, might not faze the other. For my husband and I, it’s the food our kids eat.
Veronica smiles at the camera as her young child and husband stand in the foreground

PAW Patrol vs Teenage Kraken: Which is a more bearable school holidays flick for adults?

You might not get much of a choice when it comes to which movie you watch this school holidays. But if you do get a vote — or are just going to see a kids movie by yourself (same) — we rated the watchability of the two big offerings this September hols.
A composite image of animations of a large purple kraken-girl hybrid, and of the super-dogs in paw patrol.

I breastfeed 1,800 hours a year. Why not spend some of that time on my phone?

I know I'm not alone in a desire to use my phone less when with my child, but I'm not here to make parents feel guilty either.
Kellie breastfeeds her toddler on the couch while looking at her phone

More people are having home births, but how safe are they? This is what you should know beforehand

There's been an increase in home births in recent years but they're not accessible to all, and they're not considered suitable for every pregnancy.
close of up blonde woman with baby wrapped in purple after home birth with birthing pool in background

perspective:'It fills me with hope': The stark difference of having my second baby post-COVID

Only two years will separate my kids, but having my second child out of COVID-19 restrictions has made the whole experience completely different.
a woman sits in a cafe with a stroller and mask and coffee on table

perspective:What I wish I'd said to the young mum I saw crying in a cafe

When I saw a young mum crying in a cafe, I wanted to tell her that I know how she feels and, more importantly, that she will be OK. But I didn't. And I'm sorry.
Mandy McCracken sits on a bench indoors with her two daughters. They wear rain clothes and look to the left.

perspective:'Gentle parenting' is backed by science. So why do Parental Guidance viewers hate it so much?

The parents in my peer groups, and the parenting content I consume online, led me to believe most of us were trying to be more patient and understanding with our children. But maybe that's just the algorithm talking?
A family from Channel Nine's TV show 'Parental Guidance' against a bright green background.

Why it's okay for kids to play with their food

When experts say "playing" with food, they don't necessarily mean letting kids throw spaghetti onto the ceiling.
A young girl smiles and holds rings of red capsicum to each eye, her mother does the same just off camera.

perspective:Bedsharing with my toddler wasn't part of my parenting 'plan', but I embrace it

Growing up with Western messaging around what "normal" families looked like, I assumed kids were supposed to sleep in their own room once past infancy. But that soon changed once I became a mum.
Kellie and Lane in bed together breastfeeding

Melinda wanted to be admitted to a Mother and Baby Unit. It was impossible in her area

Currently, only one Australian state has public Mother-Baby Units in its regional areas. This mum says Australia needs to do more to support perinatal mental health.
Melinda McLennan with her family

I knew returning to work after mat leave would be a huge change. It still shocked me

Returning to work is a constant sensation of being compressed by all the expectations and newness. Kind of exactly how I felt as the mother of a newborn. 
A woman with black hair and a green top smiles at the camera, with some filing cabinets and a desk behind her.

'It opens up doors': The benefits of raising kids in a multilingual home

Anu Goel's first language is Punjabi, her husband's is Hindi and their son now speaks both, as well as English. Experts say growing up with multiple languages brings plenty of benefits later in life.
A boy next to his mother and father taking a selfie with on the coast.

Echo chamber, battlefield or safe haven? The highs and lows of being in a mums' group

I'm pro safe spaces online and weekly catch-ups at the park where new mums can connect. But they have their limitations.
Mums sit with their babies playing on the floor

My pregnancy was picture-perfect, until it wasn't. This is what having a premmie baby was like

Most parents don't have to leave their baby behind when they go home from the hospital.
An illustration of a tiny premature baby's fingers wrapped around an adult's giant thumb.

I breastfeed my toddler wherever and whenever he needs because it's a beautiful superpower

While breasts continue to be viewed primarily as sexual objects, there will always be challenges for women to embrace feeding in public — especially when it's with their toddler. 
Kellie breastfeeding her son Lane on the couch

The town that's tackling waste, one baby bottom at a time

Tucked in between the towering trees and beautiful beaches of WA's southern coast, the small town of Denmark has teamed up with eco-conscious resident Carolyn Oliff to bring free cloth nappies to each new baby born in town.
A baby holding a disposable nappy in its hand, with a woman in the background. 

'My house is a change table': How to save money on baby stuff

Having a baby is expensive. Here are tips from two parents on what to buy second-hand.
A row of new prams in a shop