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Port Lincoln - 5606

Australian man sentenced to rehabilitation in Indonesia after possessing drugs in Bali

Troy Smith, who was arrested in April after police found methamphetamine in his hotel room in Bali, is sentenced to six-month drug rehabilitation by an Indonesian court.
Troy Smith sits in a courtroom.

They're top-tier marine predators, so why are our endangered sea lions in a fight for survival?

A national research effort aimed at saving Australia's iconic sea lions will look at cat faeces, heavy metals, microplastics, and climate change as possible culprits for the species' continued decline.  
Gorgeous photo of sea lion pup resting on its mum, both asleep on a rock above the ocean

Helicopters, oyster boats and barges called in to save rare raptors from extinction

Artificial nesting platforms are installed at key coastal sites across South Australia to help the eastern osprey breed after the population dropped to just 50 pairs of birds. 
Osprey on a nest of sticks on a green structure, with bird perch on the right.

Artificial platforms offer safe breeding environments for endangered Eastern Osprey

Conservationists hope the new nests will lead to a successful osprey mating season along South Australia's coastline.
ABC News Current
Duration: 2 minutes 31 seconds

When thieves took 94yo Doug's vintage Merc they stole his independence too

Retired farmer and mechanic Doug Marchant has had a rough run this month with his beloved vintage car stolen from outside his home, and then its replacement broke down more than 1,300km from home.
Old man looking at camera, holding up photograph of cream Mercedes Benz car.

Buyers snap up houses sight unseen in rural city set for hydrogen-fuelled future

With a $593 million hydrogen plant on the way, sales activity in Whyalla's housing market is on average double compared to its regional neighbours. 
A landscape view of trees and homes at Whyalla

Octogenarian Alex Tarr is still running on the edge, winning orienteering's mental game

Still quick enough mentally and physically to post competitive orienteering times, Alex Tarr outclasses many of his younger opponents.
Elderly man in glasses, running in bush, tree behind him, orange bunting

Tributes flow for 'fun-loving, passionate patriarch' and wine label magnate Peter Teakle, who has died aged 72

Businessman Peter Teakle transformed his family's wine label printing business into a global multi-million-dollar company before opening a winery and restaurant.
 man in white pants, a white shirt and jacket and a white hat kneels in the countryside.

AFL legend draws a crowd for outback football club as part of country tour

Professional AFL players are finding new ways to continue their journey with the sport after retirement, including new Hall of Fame inductee Dane Swan.
Football players on the field

With the rise of ecommerce websites, kids' toyshops may become a thing of the past

While international ecommerce offers cheap prices, there are fears the online giants are contributing to a culture of over-consumption by shoppers — and killing off traditional toy stores.
A man in a brown sweater, a black beanie and denim jeans stands in front of children's car toys.

Anger and grief over 'preventable' death in custody of 23yo Aboriginal man despite royal commission

The lawyer who represented the family of the last Aboriginal death at Port Lincoln Prison 21 years ago says he is concerned SA jail cells have not been made safe despite multiple recommendations in the past.
Drone shot of Lincoln prison

Australian faces up to 12 years in an Indonesian prison if convicted of drug possession

Prosecutors reduced the initial charge of drug trafficking to the less serious charge of drug use, after police determined he was a drug user.
A man in a white shirt and red vest is handcuffed and being escorted by two men - one of which is carrying a gun

Almost half SA farmers expect 'extraordinarily dry' conditions to worsen

South Australian farmers are banking on late winter rain to save their season but optimism is flagging as dry conditions continue.
A fair-skinned man, Lloyd, drops square ryegrass hay bales off his white ute to sheep in a dusty paddock.

Australia is about to get more water bombers, but not just for fighting fires

Australia's aerial firefighting fleet is being expanded to include planes that can respond to other disasters such as floods and major storms. It comes as longer and overlapping fire seasons place greater pressure on the existing fleet.
Water bomber in action

Police confirm death of 23-year-old Indigenous man in South Australian prison

Police have confirmed a 23-year-old man died in Port Lincoln Prison on June 4.
Drone shot of Lincoln prison

Looming water crisis for the people of Port Lincoln

South Australia is the driest state in the nation. Port Lincoln is at risk of running out of water within a few years.
ABC News Current
Duration: 6 minutes 58 seconds

'The water situation is dire': This city faces running out of water inside two years

In two years time this region of Australia could run out of drinking water but the solution is not in line with the wishes of one peak industry.
A drone shot of Port Lincoln, South Australia.

Poor access to morning-after pill putting regional women in 'lucky dip' situation, study finds

Poor access to the gold-standard, medically recommended morning-after pill in regional and remote areas is undermining women's reproductive health, experts say.
a hand with pink fingernails searches for emergency contraception on an Iphone

Ron could be a modern-day Gilligan living on his isolated island. But he has no desire to be rescued

Ron O'Brien lives most of the year wandering around his island home in solitude, living off-grid away from the pressures of the rat race. It's a "great lifestyle".
Man leaning on balcony railing with coffee cup, looking out to sea, small wallaby marsupial behind him, coastal background

As mitigation programs ramp up elsewhere, this shark attack hotspot still goes without

Shark fatalities on a remote coastline west of Adelaide accounted for 30 per cent of all shark deaths last year. But while other states pour millions of dollars into mitigation programs, the SA government says it is still working on a plan.  
Cage-diving with a big shark

'I'm obsessed, it's my whole life': Maxi and other young women are changing the face of shearing

Once a rare sight in a shearing shed, women are now working alongside men in one of the toughest jobs in the country. Here's why that's very good news for the industry. 
Woman shearing a sheep

Cancellation of elective surgeries in SA could last a week, as opposition warns 'people will die'

SA Health's chief says there are currently 200 more patients in hospitals across the state compared to the same time last year, as the opposition leader slams the government's preparations for winter.
Sign says Flinders Medical Centre

Adelaide records wettest day in 126 days after dry start to the year

Adelaide finally sees some decent rain with more expected to fall overnight after experiencing drier than usual conditions since February.
Two people carrying umbrellas walk through a mall with wet pavers

Historic resting place for First Nations people and early settlers desecrated

A cemetery that includes some of Port Lincoln's most notable figures and tells stories of Australia's colonial history has been targeted by vandals, with up to 25 graves desecrated.
Older man in flat cap and blue check shirt stands in graveyard

Regional SA mums forced to make 'stressful' 650km trip to give birth

A lack of resources and workforce shortages in birthing services at regional SA hospitals have forced mothers needing urgent or specialised care to travel as far as Adelaide.
A woman in a dark blue shirt holds a baby who is clothed, in her arms.