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perspective:'I'm not sharing a house with a man again': Weaponised incompetence ended Adelle's marriage

After three decades of living with weaponised incompetence, the final straw was coming home from holiday without a single picture of myself in our camera roll.
A woman with a blonde pony sits on a grassy knoll looking away from the camera to the ocean below.

Choking during sex can cause brain injuries but many young Australians are taking up the act

Non-fatal strangulation, or choking during sex, is becoming mainstream among young people in Australia — fuelled by pornography and popular culture. It's prompted concerns that those engaging in the practice are not aware of the serious health risks.
Woman sitting on a park bench.

When thieves took 94yo Doug's vintage Merc they stole his independence too

Retired farmer and mechanic Doug Marchant has had a rough run this month with his beloved vintage car stolen from outside his home, and then its replacement broke down more than 1,300km from home.
Old man looking at camera, holding up photograph of cream Mercedes Benz car.

Concerned about a mate's behaviour towards their partner? Here's how to handle it

It's "critically important" men look out for their friends and their friends' partners when it comes to domestic and family violence, experts say.
Two men chatting and holding beers while sitting on deck chairs in the grass in front of a field.

This couple rewrote their marriage rules so they could see other people. Then they had to tell the kids

When Molly Roden Winter and her husband first dabbled in non-monogamy, it felt dangerous and exciting. They've now had an open marriage for over a decade, and it hasn't been without challenges. Telling the kids was one of them.
Molly Roden Winter and her husband stand close together smiling for a selfie with mountains and blue sky behind them.

Thailand becomes first South-East Asian country to legalise same sex marriage

Thailand's Senate approves a landmark bill allowing couples such as Anticha and Worawan to finally get married.
Two women in white puffy wedding dresses holding hands, smiling and marching in a pride festival with rainbow flag

perspective:We've never encountered a family like ours — but it works for us

People often think it's odd that my ex is still in our lives, despite not being my partner or my daughter's dad. Five years ago, I would have agreed with them.  
Koraly Dimitriadis leans close to her daughter. Both smiling. Koraly's boyfriend is beside them and a lake is in the background.

'My ex pretended he couldn't pack a dishwasher': Readers share experiences with weaponised incompetence

Some readers expressed relief and validation to discover the behaviour of avoiding certain tasks or responsibility in the home had a name, while others felt it was more a matter of playing to our strengths in a relationship.
close up image of a woman changing a baby's nappy

When TV Neighbours become good friends: Study finds Neighbours fans grieved the series end

The peer-reviewed study found Neighbours fans felt a high level of grief emotions associated with the end of the series, and they had difficulty accepting that it had ended.
A graphic of scenes from the show Neighbours with a street sign saying "Ramsay St" in the centre

'An enormous betrayal': Understanding financial infidelity

Financial infidelity can range from some "low-key sneaky spending" on clothing, through to racking up debt on a secret credit card, or gambling away savings.
Close-up of woman putting a brown leather wallet in the back pocket of her jeans.

Has marriage become outdated in 2024? These Australians think so

From having babies on their own to choosing to be single, these Australians believe life isn't necessarily easier — or better — with a partner.
A woman smiling while she holds a baby at the beach

'Convenient and effective': A new dating trend is taking off in China

Many young people in China are using live-streamed blind dates — with sometimes hundreds of people watching — to meet potential partners. 

A successful monogamous relationship could involve month-long breaks — according to swans

A nearly two-decade study of birds living in Melbourne's Albert Park has revealed surprising relationship patterns between black swans.
Two swans in a lake

Your kid will grow up and probably grow away from you. Here's some tips on how to reconnect

Many children distance themselves from their parents as they grow up, but there are ways to reconnect with your tween/teen.
A mum and son sit in a cafe, the mum looks at her kid with concern, the son looks annoyed

Why lawyers say the 'bank of mum and dad' is driving demand for Australia's version of a prenup

Antoinette and her wife are joining a growing number of Australians seeking "prenups". Lawyers say the harsh economic climate and growing number of parents giving children money is driving more people to consider them.
Two wedding bands resting on a book.

Explaining weaponised incompetence and how it 'keeps women busy' at home

Weaponised incompetence in relationships can keep women "locked into" traditional roles, experts say.
A woman vacuuming the floors while a man sits on a couch and uses a laptop. The living room has plants and prints on the wall.

When Rachele fell for a colleague, she tried to repress her feelings. It didn't work

Workplace romances aren't uncommon, but what are the consequences for dating colleagues or even your boss? 
two people hold hands discreetly at a printer in an office.

Pastor Jon Owen needs six things to keep his mental health in check. Number one is NOT yoga

Jon Owen, the pastor of Sydney's Wayside Chapel, has spent decades caring for the broken, eschewing a comfortable life for one of radical compassion. He's learned he needs to commit to certain regular habits in order to protect his own mental health, writes Julia Baird.
Pastor Jon Owen, who is wearing a purple shirt and looking serious, speaks with a visitor at his church

Wren lived in his walk-in-wardrobe for three months. He's what's known as a 'shut in'

Almost a quarter of a million South Koreans have withdrawn from the outside world. Meet two of them.
A South Koran man in a room looking despondent.

Questions to ask a partner that can protect you from financial abuse

One in six women in Australia experience financial abuse. We share three ways that could increase your financial safety, including the questions you should ask a partner early in a relationship.
A woman and man look over finances at their laptop while sitting at a dining table.

The cost-of-living crisis is changing our relationships. Here's what we can do about it

The cost-of-living crisis doesn't just impact what people can buy or where they can live; it impacts relationships, too — from children and partners, to friends to workmates.
From behind, an older and younger person are walking with arms linked, on a path surrounded by dense green trees.

If the Hallmark version of Mother's Day feels like a punch in the gut, you're not alone

For many of us, Mother's Day is a time when our hearts are a bit sore. I miss my own mother so much. I miss her humour, her levity, her wisdom, and the way she made everything seem better. So how should we think about this day when grief is still fresh?
Grief educator Rebecca Feinglos, who has thick brunette hair, poses for a photo in a garden setting wearing a fawn coloured top

Eating after and exercising before: Sexologist's top tips for lovemaking in later years

Sexologist's research shows sex can get better as we age — and a lot of that is to do with prioritising intimacy, being generous, and working with what you've got.
man and woman hugging and smiling on the couch

'Don't turn it into a comedy act': Celebrants share their best vow-writing tips

Celebrants say to "tune everyone else out" and write vows as though you are speaking directly to your partner.
Eddie Lemos Couto marrying a couple in a library

Jo is 42 and has never had sex. She regrets that no-one has enjoyed her body

Three women who have never had sex share their experiences of dating and intimacy, and how they can sometimes feel alone and adrift on a vast sea of gyrating hips and grinding bodies.
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