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Rental Housing

New report finds capital city rental prices have risen over 12 months

A new report from PropTrack has found that on average, capital cities have experienced a 10 per cent increase in rental prices. 
Rental Prices on the Rise, Proptrack Data: Motion blurred people entering an open home with a for lease sign out the front.
Duration: 1 minute 51 seconds

Canberra couple awarded damages after wife awoken by a real estate agent in her bedroom conducting an inspection

The Canberra couple were awarded $1,500 in non-economic damages after a real estate agent entered their bedroom while the wife was in bed asleep with her infant son.
A close-up shot of a person's hands holding a set of silver house keys.

'Something deeply wrong' as market value of Victoria's public housing properties soars

Rent for the vast majority of public housing tenants in Victoria is capped according to income, but advocates say sharp increases in market rents before rebates are applied are causing confusion and concern.
two public housing towers can be seen with the Melbourne city skyline in the background

Are derelict homes part of the answer to Australia's housing crisis?

Local governments and property law experts are calling on state governments to use their powers to force the owners of vacant and derelict properties to use them or lose them.
ABC News Current
Duration: 4 minutes 16 seconds

Relief for renters could soon be on the horizon.

Domain's June quarter update has revealed while rental prices across the country are at record highs, the pace of growth is slowing.
ABC News Current
Duration: 3 minutes 42 seconds

Popular alpine tourist towns buck trend of rising rents as city workers head back to office

Rental prices have dropped by more than 10 per cent in the past year at a Victorian alpine hub but business owners say more still needs to be done to make housing affordable for workers.
A view of a pine plantation with snow in the background.

'It's the landlord's property': Warning planned rental protections go too far

Landlords in New South Wales say a looming policy change by the state government to ban a practice known as "no-grounds evictions" will erode the rights of property owners and reduce the amount of rental stock on the market. 
A professionally-dressed woman in a grey blazer stands on the property of a one-storey suburban home

Got an old, cold house like Laine's? Here are seven ways to make it warmer and cheaper

Australian homes are notoriously cold in winter — draughty, with poor insulation, thin glass and inadequate heating. But there's a growing movement of people retrofitting their homes to make them cheaper to run and more comfortable year-round, while also reducing emissions. 
A young woman wearing grey dress over black skivvy stands in front of a house, smiling with a mug in her hands

These houses in Sydney have sat empty for decades, but there's 'very little' council can do about it

With official estimates putting the number of vacant and derelict homes above 100,000 across Australia, local governments and property lawyers argue they could be part of the solution to Australia's apparent housing shortage.
Derelict terrace houses covered in graffiti.

Landlords fight proposal to end no-fault evictions

Landlords say once a tenant is off-contract they shouldn't need a reason to evict renters.
Landlord Powers, Govt Proposals: An apartment building.
Duration: 1 minute 54 seconds

Melbourne law firm calls for Victorian landlords who repeatedly make 'baseless' bond claims to be fined

A report from a Melbourne law firm calls for reforms to Victoria's rental bond system, arguing too many rental providers are making unreasonable claims on their tenants' bonds.
Judy wearing a white sweater, reading a document at her kitchen table.

Renters in crisis still waiting for legislation on no-fault evictions

Both major parties promised at the last election to end no-fault evictions, but new legislation is yet to be put forward.
Eviction Frustration: A man sitting on the edge of his car with his head in his hands.
Duration: 1 minute 55 seconds

Rental prices begin to ease despite home values rising

A slowdown in overseas migration and the stabilisation of seasonal demand have eased rental prices.
Rental Market, Easing Prices: Close up of a For Lease sign outside a home.
Duration: 1 minute 33 seconds

Eman was told she was a good tenant, but without warning received an eviction notice

Fifteen months after both major parties in NSW promised to end no-fault evictions, the government is yet to put forward new legislation, as more renters are pushed out of their homes amid a rental crisis.  
Eman Soliman in her home looks at the camera as she talks about no-fault evictions

For Hailey, being homeless and in high school felt like 'hell on Earth'

Without anywhere safe and secure to call home, Hailey felt like she didn't have a future. Her grades crashed and her mental health suffered. She's not alone. 
A young woman with light brown hair looking at camera. Black background.

analysis:Do you love renting? Does it make you feel patriotic?

Why did we make it harder for younger Australians and low-income workers to own homes? Did we forget some wisdom from the past?
1950s house in black and white

Perth property prices tipped to soar, as cost of materials puts brakes on new builds

Property prices in Perth have reached record highs in recent months and are expected to rise even further in the coming year, with a prediction they will increase between 8 and 11 per cent.
A strangely shaped bridge across a river.

As locals are being priced out of popular tourist towns, a radical solution is being proposed to help them stay

Could a cap-and-trade system help address the chronic housing shortages in popular tourist destinations around Australia?
A photo of houses in the township of Apollo Bay

This married couple turned to share-housing after being locked out of the housing market

Michi and her husband looked at buying a house earlier this year but quickly found there wasn't much on offer within their budget that didn't need extensive renovations. She says it's "disheartening"to face the prospect of being locked out of the housing market for the foreseeable future. 
A women with long blonde hair makes a cup of tea at a kitchen bench, with a man and woman behind her also making tea.

Buying a home in Queensland now 'beyond reach' for many frontline workers, report finds

The Beyond Reach report has found affordable housing — where housing costs are 30 per cent or less of income — has "almost ceased to exist" for essential workers in south-east Queensland. 
a queenslander, mid-rise and high-rise in a graphic

'There's just nowhere around': Publican turns empty aged care facility into long-term accommodation amid a housing crisis

When Rob Rankine saw the local nursing home sitting empty, he decided to do something about it. Now 18 people, including employee Mia Harris, have a place to call home. 
ABC News Feature

How 'crazy' is Perth's housing market? Ask Craig Townsend, who just lost out on a home literally at the last minute

If you want to get a sense of the "insane" nature of Perth's property market right now and the breakneck speed at which homes are selling, look no further than Craig Townsend's experiences last week.
Craig Townsend 2024-06-21 08:06:00

There goes the neighbourhood. How to tell if your area is next in the gentrification firing line

Gentrification continues to expand further away from the centre of major cities. There are several indicators that can give you a hint your suburb is heading for a transformation.
A white man wearing an apron stands in the doorway of a cafe with large plants and wooden furniture.

How do I fight a rental increase from my landlord?

If you're renting, you'll know that rental increases are a fact of life. But you do have options if you think your landlord (or their agent) is asking for too much.
A woman with a green top sits at a desk with paperwork and phone, her hair is over her face and hand on the side of head.

Renters welcome proposed Tasmanian pet-friendly legislation, but landlord group warns it's a 'mistake'

Sarah says most tenants understand the responsibilities of keeping a pet in a rental property — but a new push to give tenants greater rights in Tasmania will meet pushback by landlords, one real estate industry insider says. Here is what is being proposed.
Woman playing with a black dog.