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Solar Energy

'Up-and-coming Barossa Valley' pushes back against large solar farm

Residents in the regional Victorian community are concerned a proposed 665-hectare solar farm would change the microclimate of the renowned grape-growing region and drive away tourism.
Four people standing in front of a vineyard, green paddocks, and a blue sky.

How would you feel about having a nuclear reactor in your backyard?

Traralgon residents fear the Coalition's proposal to build a nuclear plant nearby will drive down property prices, but some also see it as a chance for an economic boost when the coal power station closes.
A man with a moustache on left, couple at their store's cash register in centre and woman wearing pink and black jacket

analysis:When it comes to power, solar could leave nuclear and everything else in the shade — here's why

Energy experts — and even Greenpeace — underestimated solar power's rapid global growth. Now many believe solar is set to become the world's biggest power source within the next decade. But it is falling prices — rather than environmental benefits — that might be driving that change.
Arrays of solar panels on a rural property.

How smart meters are changing your power bill

There is a huge change happening in the way we pay for our power and whether you can get the balance right could have big implications for your energy bill.
A man with his palms out with pictures of old and new power meters superimposed hovering over his right and left hands.
Duration: 8 minutes 42 seconds

New prices, solar charges, and government support all mean your power bill will be changing today

Australians being wrenched into the teeth of the energy transition can expect more change from today amid new prices, solar charges and government largesse.
a house with solar panels on the roof

Businesses 'on stand-by to switch off' in fallout from gas crisis gripping Australia's east

There's more bill pain underway for households, but it's businesses that will bear the brunt of the latest gas crisis rippling through Australia's south-eastern states in the dead of winter.
Young Female Welder Working In Factory Wearing Protective Safety Gear.

Northern Territory faces blackouts within four years unless investment in electricity grid increases, commission says

The NT's electricity system is in a "prime but precarious" position and could face blackouts within four years if looming challenges are not met, according to the NT Utilities Commission. 
Powerlines seen at dusk in Darwin.

Renewable Energy Zone transmission lines given green light, despite lingering community concerns

The Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone becomes the first in Australia to secure planning approval for the transmission lines that will link renewable projects to the electricity grid. Some residents say their concerns have been "overlooked".
Two power transmission towers in the middle on an open field with a sunrise in the background.,

Rooftop solar is doing the heavy lifting in the clean energy transition but the next step is supercharging household batteries

With big wind and solar projects stalling, the energy market operator forecasts that Australian households will continue to do the heavy lifting in the renewables transition, with four out of five homes to have rooftop solar by 2050. 
An illustration of a wind farm and a solar farm with an hour glass in the middle.

Australia's confusing energy system is even harder to navigate for migrants, but Sydney leaders are helping bridge the divide

Advocates are worried not everyone is finding it easy to access — and benefit from — renewable energy.
Diana Olmos stands with her arms crossed.

Behind the grand plans for nuclear is a potentially fatal flaw. And it's on millions of roofs

The Coalition wants nuclear to be the Yin to rooftop solar's Yang. But some experts say the technologies make terrible bedfellows. 
roofs of houses, most of them with solar panels

Can Australia become a solar panel superpower?

The Government wants to lift the percentage of locally-made solar panels from the current 1 per cent of the market to 20 per cent.
Local SOlar Panel Plan, $1 billion subsidy: A field of solar panels with hills and forest in the background.
Duration: 2 minutes 21 seconds

Australia is placing a billion-dollar bet on making solar panels. It's exciting some, and alarming others

The government knows it can't compete with China to make cheaper solar panels. But it's placing a billion-dollar bet that it can outcompete the manufacturing giant on technology to transform Australia's tiny solar industry. 
Albanese is seen through the window of a manufacturing facility, production line equipment in the foreground.

Gas threat 'immediate' as cold spell, renewable lulls and outages squeeze supply

Gas prices return to crisis highs as cold weather, a lack of renewable energy and plant outages smash the east coast market. 
Aerial shot of massive oil and gas rig in the Bass Strait off Victoria

How to find the balance between renewables and food production

Local councils say the growing number of renewable energy projects needs to be balanced against local land use requirements and community interest.
Dozens of wind turbines scattered across the horizon.

Peter Dutton has announced the sites for proposed nuclear reactors. Here's what comes next

Peter Dutton faces stiff opposition to his nuclear ambitions due to wall-to-wall Labor state governments, but figures it's simply a choice between the carrot or the stick.
A nuclear cooling plant

'An absolute stretch': Dutton's promise nuclear will make for cheaper power questioned

Coalition promises that nuclear power will make for cheaper electricity prices don't stack up, according to an energy analyst, who says there was no evidence anywhere in the developed world to suggest new reactors were pushing down prices.
a nuclear generating station can be seen with water infront of it.

With battle lines drawn over who can deliver clean, cheap energy, one key question remains

The Coalition has put its cards on the table, unveiling its plan to build nuclear plants to secure Australia's energy future. But one thing was missing — what will it cost?
Two nuclear power buildings in the night.

With a solar farm moving in next door, Stephen is worried about his insurance

A farmer with $50 million in public liability insurance says it will not be enough should a fire jump from his place into a new neighbouring solar farm. He says it isn't sufficient to cover "rebuilding an industrial estate" and wants the industry pick up the slack.
Male farmer sitting in utility looking out at solar development

Would a nuclear power plant fit Australia's needs? These numbers cut through the debate

As the shift away from fossil fuels gathers pace, the Coalition has turned to an emissions-free technology with a long and contentious history — nuclear fission. These are the numbers you should keep in mind when thinking about its place in Australia's energy transition.
A graphic of a nuclear power plant with a nuclear symbol and the numbers 2040 and 2045 in the foreground

How this remote Indigenous community has reduced every resident's power bill by 70 per cent

An Indigenous-owned solar farm, the first to be connected to a power grid, has been opened in the Northern Territory remote community of Marlinja.  
Marlinja Community

How the 'enigma' of his dad's job inspired Todd to paint a significant moment in Australia's energy history

Todd Fuller painted the portraits of 30 Liddell Power Station workers to mark the site's closure. The experience changed his perspective forever.
Two men standing next to each other. The man on the right has his hand on the left man's shoulder

Charged a month for 'moment' of demand: Consumers angry at 'mysterious' power tariffs

Across Australia, huge numbers of consumers are slowly waking up to the presence of mysterious new power charges on their bills. 
Wide angle picture looking up through long grasses to a high-voltage power line with the sun setting in the background

Regional property owners turning unusable land into money through solar energy leases

With upheavals in the agriculture industry making some farms unviable, a landowner in South Australia is encouraging others to consider repurposing their properties for renewable energy projects.
rows of solar panels on a block of land in an aerial view, green land surrounds them

Burning hundreds of litres of diesel just to stay open: Welcome to the rainforest without electricity

Queensland's Daintree Rainforest does not have mains electricity — so many residents are burning hundreds of litres of "dirty" diesel fuel a week just to keep their businesses running.
A family photo featuring mum, dad, and five kids, posing in front of a scenic rainforest and body of water.