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This shop saves tonnes of goods from going to landfill each year, and nothing has a fixed price

Tip shops, sometimes referred to as resale sheds or treasure chest shops, can be found at dozens of locations around the country. And as Australians continue to grapple with the rising cost of living, some operators say they're seeing new customers.
A fibreglass hull pictured in the sale yard of Eaglehawk Recycle Shop

Meet the 'time-rich, cash-poor' Australian family hitchhiking their way to India on the adventure of a lifetime

A few weeks ago, the Jones family was waking to icy cold winter mornings. Now, they're seeing how far their thumbs can take them on the journey from central Victoria to India. 
Two adults and a child holding a sign on the side of a road, near street signs.

Mary's not-so-secret side hustle to health and happiness at 101

At 101 years of age, Mary Norris' secret to health and longevity isn't a special diet — but it does take place in the kitchen.
ABC News Current

Food scraps make up about a third of general waste bins. City of Sydney hopes maggots can help reduce this

A 12-month trial using Goterra's black soldier fly larvae system will begin with hopes it can be extended to all Sydney residents. 
Two women with hands in gloves sift through a tray of dirt and maggots.

Deep inside the permafrost lies a doomsday vault holding the seeds of humanity. Only one person has taken them out

A team of scientists on the front lines of climate change are helping nature heal itself. But as wars rage around them, it's making their efforts to feed an increasingly hungry globe that much harder. 
An illustration of the entrance to the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard

Australia's ski fields are on a downhill slope, but scientists show there's an off-ramp

Away from the sunburnt beaches, hot dusty gums, and red deserts, news for Australia's ski fields hasn't been good for years. But new research shows while the snow season is getting shorter, there's hope to turn things around.
Skiers look over to the opposing mountain ridge

Hemp producers say bureaucracy, marijuana stigma, are major hurdles to fibre crop's uptake

While pushed as a sustainable source for clothing, hemp producers say a complex web of rules and regulations — including going through the office of drug control — make it hard for them to meet demands from the fashion industry.
A man leaning against hemp bales.

Are electric cars really greener than petrol cars? We've lined up two SUVs and put them to the test

Whether you drive an electric car or are considering making the switch, you've probably been drawn into a discussion about whether they are really better for the climate. To save you from your next barbecue encounter, we have put two cars to the test.
An illustration of an electric car and a petrol car. 

'Gas lobby forced-fed down our throat': MasterChef grilled in greenwashing Senate inquiry

The heat has been put on Network Ten in a Senate inquiry into greenwashing and executives refused to put a number on a controversial gas sponsorship deal for its successful MasterChef show. 
A man wearing a black polo shirt and white apron stands behind a barbecue cooking a steak.

WA is in for a warm winter, but authorities are pushing ahead with the season's sprinkler ban

The Water Corporation is enforcing its annual winter sprinkler ban, but concerns have been raised about the impact this will have on gardens and green spaces across WA.
An aerial shot of a lake surrounded by brown trees

A nuclear power plant for Australia would cost at least $8.5 billion and take 15 years to deliver, new CSIRO report shows

Building a large-scale nuclear power plant in Australia would cost at least $8.5 billion, take 15 years to deliver and produce electricity at roughly twice the cost of renewable sources, the country's leading scientific institution has found.
Nuclear power station chimneys

Paper bags make a comeback for fruit as retailers swap out plastic net bags to reduce waste

Small and big retailers alike are looking to adopt new recyclable packaging for mandarins, saying it would avoid the use of 11,700 kilograms of plastic in one year.
Mandarins loose on a kitchen counter next to mandarins packed in a Coles-branded brown recyclable paper bag with a net window.

New development described as 'total vandalism', destroying koala habitat

In March, Ipswich City Council quietly approved a housing plan, which will see almost 2,000 homes built on native bushland. A resident has now penned a letter to nature broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, inviting him to visit the forest on his next Australian tour.
Man standing in forest looking up

Crickets and cabernet, anyone? Winery launches edible insect wine tasting

A South Australian winery is turning the tables on wine tastings by pairing gourmet crunchy critters with cabernet to celebrate its focus on sustainability.
roasted crickets on a spoon with wine in the background.

All Australians will foot the bill after climate disasters leave insurance industry on the brink

Floods, bushfires, and severe storms send insurance costs skyrocketing. It's high time for Australia to heed warnings from other parts of the world before insurance becomes unaffordable for all Australians — or simply unavailable. 
Flooded house in Norman Park in Brisbane

Ten thousand kilograms of hemp won't get you high like marijuana, but it can help you build a home

Neil Preston decided to hand build his four-bedroom home from "hempcrete" after learning it would be hypoallergenic, sound insulating and cosy all year round.
A man holding a handful of dried hemp.

'Now I shop less than ever': A fashion photographer on becoming a more sustainable shopper

Liz Sunshine spends more time thinking about the way we dress than most. But her shopping advice is simple: "Slow down."
A young blonde woman smiling in a matching houndstooth beret and blazer.

Two Australian businessmen bought a casino in a tropical paradise — only to shut it down

The Jewel casino once stood at the turquoise shores of Vanuatu's Iririki Island — until its new owners shut it down. Their reason? "The house always wins."
A view of Jewel casino across Vila Bay at Iririki Resort, with hibiscus flowers in the foreground.

What is solarpunk? And why is it giving hope to people worried about climate change?

It started out as a sci-fi genre, but some believe solarpunk holds the key to solving some of humanity's most pressing problems.
A photo of two high-rise apartment buildings covered in vertical gardens against a bright blue sky

Why these women are changing their approaches to shopping for clothes

Whatever your motivation, re-examining your approach buying clothes can be good for your budget and the planet. We spoke with a stylist, a sustainability advocate and a designer, to get some tips on how to maintain your personal style while being environmentally conscious. 
A woman with long blonde hair smiling with teeth in front of a colourful painted outside exterior wall.

Barra or prawns? The choice will impact whether or not you'll have an Easter spread this year

There's a shortage of wild barramundi, king salmon and Spanish mackerel this Easter. But it's better news for lovers of prawns and lobster.
Staff serving customers at a fish market.

'We grew our own home': Straw houses don't just exist in fairytales

It seems the first little pig in the Three Little Pigs fairytale didn't have such a terrible idea after all.
straw house family

Australians fear moving from where they live due to climate disasters

The majority of Australians have lived through a climate disaster and they are increasingly afraid of having to move away from the place they live due to extreme weather events, a new survey by the Climate Council shows.
A woman with her head in her hands in front f a glowing sunset

New electricity price caps have been drafted and this is what that means for your power bill

There has been hope that today's release of the energy regulator's draft benchmark prices will provide relief to people facing skyrocketing power bills. The truth is, that was always optimistic. Here's why power prices are not dropping much — yet. 
A graphic showing a man clinging to 100 dollar bills with bills flying about

A once-thriving penguin colony is in danger of dying out, needing shelter from the warming climate

Tens of thousands of tourists flock to an island off Perth's southern coast each year to see its population of little penguins, but as numbers of the birds plummet, scientists and volunteers team up to do something about it.
A close-up shot of two penguins as they look up at the camera from inside a nesting box.