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'Something deeply wrong' as market value of Victoria's public housing properties soars

Rent for the vast majority of public housing tenants in Victoria is capped according to income, but advocates say sharp increases in market rents before rebates are applied are causing confusion and concern.
two public housing towers can be seen with the Melbourne city skyline in the background

Teenagers charged over deadly collision in Melbourne’s east

The incident has prompted fresh questions about the state's justice system, with one Labor minister asking the courts to explain its actions.
Teenagers Charged, Fatal Crash: A heavily damaged car on a footpath with police tape across the street.
Duration: 2 minutes 2 seconds

Government opens up chequebook to offer water buybacks for Murray-Darling Basin farmers

The federal government will go to tender next month seeking the rights to up to 70 gigalitres of water from farmers in the southern Murray-Darling Basin, through the first major water entitlements buyback program since new laws were introduced last year. 
A wide brown river and farms

Will and Michael have found a full life in country Australia. Can other millennials follow in their footsteps?

After swapping life in the city for sheep and a vegetable garden, the couple is running a thriving gin distillery. Demographers believe more people in their age bracket could make the move to country areas as lower property prices offer more opportunities.
Two men stand behind a bar

Got an old, cold house like Laine's? Here are seven ways to make it warmer and cheaper

Australian homes are notoriously cold in winter — draughty, with poor insulation, thin glass and inadequate heating. But there's a growing movement of people retrofitting their homes to make them cheaper to run and more comfortable year-round, while also reducing emissions. 
A young woman wearing grey dress over black skivvy stands in front of a house, smiling with a mug in her hands

Frosty weather sends minimum temperatures below zero across parts of southern Australia

Residents across South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania woke up to freezing temperatures and frost this morning. The conditions have sent weather records tumbling across suburbs and towns across southern Australia.  
Frost covers leaves.

'I tried to have a sensible career': Why the star of Underbelly and Offspring had to choose acting

The beloved actor made her name playing abrasive characters in some of Australia's most beloved TV shows. Now she's taking on Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? once more.
The actor Kat Stewart, a woman in her early 50s with long brunette hair, standing in front of a brick wall

As some investors decide to leave Victoria, first homebuyers are getting their foot in the door

Investors say they're selling properties in Victoria due to the threat of increased taxes, changing tenancy laws and rising interest rates. But Victoria's not the only state where the number of rentals appear to be falling.
A man and woman standing in front of a house

Victorian man who fatally hit colleague while 'playing chicken' with bobcat jailed

Melbourne man Christopher Bell, 53, has been sentenced to seven years' jail after killing George Tereva in a bobcat accident in 2022. Bell had consumed five beers when he took control of the vehicle.
A bald man in a grey tracksuit being led by police into court.

Helicopters, oyster boats and barges called in to save rare raptors from extinction

Artificial nesting platforms are installed at key coastal sites across South Australia to help the eastern osprey breed after the population dropped to just 50 pairs of birds. 
Osprey on a nest of sticks on a green structure, with bird perch on the right.

Entangled humpback whale saved off Victoria's east coast

Specialised whale disentanglement crews have freed a humpback whale trapped in 800kg of rope and fishing gear off the Gippsland coast.
Daring Rescue, Humpback Whale: Fishing rope and buoys on the deck of a boat at sea.
Duration: 1 minute 46 seconds

Coroner identifies failures in lead-up to death of Josh Kerr

A Victorian coroner has said prison staff watched Josh Kerr die in his cell because of flawed protocols.
Multimple Failures, Coroner Findings: A woman stands at a microphone flanked by two other women.
Duration: 2 minutes 3 seconds

Bilby DNA blueprint may help save iconic Australian animal from extinction

A genetic map of the bilby could help us understand how many of the elusive species are still alive and how to combat inbreeding.
An adult bilby close-up and front-on against a dirt red background

'This job is gonna kill me': Why one of Australia's most popular playwrights keeps writing

Australian playwright Joanna Murray-Smith has written about the lives of famous women including Julia Gillard and Germaine Greer. But what's driving her to tell these stories?  
Joanna Murray-Smith, a 62-year-old blonde woman, with her arms folded, smiling slightly. She stands in a walkway on a wharf.

Victoria's nation-leading Aboriginal treaty negotiations are 'live' — here's what that means

Victoria's first-of-its-kind treaty body has launched an official negotiations database, marking the state's first step on its nation-leading historic journey towards treaty.
A man wearing a white button down top standing in front of a desk.

Justin Burney treasures the camaraderie between club members.

Justin Burney treasures the camaraderie between club members.
ABC News Current
Duration: 5 seconds

Peter Brett says the Land Rovers Club has helped improve the car.

Peter Brett says the Land Rovers Club has helped improve the car.
ABC News Current
Duration: 20 seconds

Phil Townsend caught his love for Land Rovers as a child.

Phil Townsend caught his love for Land Rovers as a child.
ABC News Current
Duration: 17 seconds

How Australia changed the 4WD that's influenced designs across the world

Four-wheel drives are commonplace in Australia, but that wasn't always the way. 
Land Rovers on a misty mountain

AFL legend David Parkin and his first students — a connection that’s endured for 60 years

Four-time AFL premiership coach David Parkin is known for his football success, but off the field he forged friendships with his former grade-three students that has endured since 1964 and inspired them to aim high. 
Val Sands and David Parkin.

Australia's biggest cheese festival returns to Melbourne

Thousands headed to Carlton Mould festival returned, celebrating a line-up of local artisan cheesemakers.
Cheese Festival, Brie-lliant Line-Up: Pieces of cheese sitting on a board.
Duration: 1 minute 45 seconds

Here's what will happen if Greg Lynn appeals his conviction over the murder of camper Carol Clay

Even for legal minds, Greg Lynn's murder trial over the deaths of two Victorian campers was filled with "unusual" twists and turns. Here's what could come next in the long-running court case.
Greg Lynn in a black suit and blue shirt wearing handcuffs as he's escorted out of court and into a van.

Strongest cold front of 2024 to bring weekend snow, followed by potential record-breaking 'blocking high'

Polar air from Antarctica is surging towards south-east Australia, bringing gusty winds, showers and low-level snow. While midwinter cold outbreaks are typical, the subsequent weather is nothing short of bizarre.
snow covered fields in new south wales oberon

Businesses 'on stand-by to switch off' in fallout from gas crisis gripping Australia's east

There's more bill pain underway for households, but it's businesses that will bear the brunt of the latest gas crisis rippling through Australia's south-eastern states in the dead of winter.
Young Female Welder Working In Factory Wearing Protective Safety Gear.

Greg Lynn police interview tapes released by court

Newly released police tapes reveal how Greg Lynn explained the deaths of Carol Clay and Russell Hill to police.
Police Tapes Revealed, Greg Lynn Trial: A man with grey hair looking at camera in selfie-style photo.
Duration: 2 minutes 43 seconds